Twenty Five: The Prophecy

Start from the beginning

She could feel the heat of Camille's unwavering gaze as it traveled over her Elizabeth's proud features for a long moment before she replied. "Always." She linked her arm through Elizabeth's and the atmosphere turned a little more cheerful as they walked through the gardens. "You know I adore your chosen and honestly if she wasn't mated to you and if I myself weren't mated, we'd have a very different situation on our hands."

"Camille..." Elizabeth growled in warning but her lips twitched ever-so-slightly, giving away her amusement. "Please refrain from seducing my mate."

"I can't help it. She's so cute and innocente." She drawled in a wistful tone of voice, leaning dramatically into her sister's side.

The redhead grinned when she was shoved away, a comfortable silence descending on the pair as they walked. When they came to the rose bushes, Camille's fingers brushed over the petals of a happy yellow rose, the sweet scent flooding her nostrils. Her gaze switched to her sister's profile, taking in her strong jaw and the proud planes of her face in admiration. Camille's memories were dim from her time as a child, having been raised by a nursemaid. She wasn't often in the company of their mother since she was mainly only interested in bending Elizabeth and Ezekiel to her will. Ravenna even went so far as to order a kill order on her middle child once it became apparent that she had power in her veins, but their father stepped in and whisked her away before it was carried out.

If only it hadn't cost him his life.

Shaking her head free of the difficult memories, Camille thought of Azalea, a smile crossing her face as she pictured the head-strong girl and her stubborn personality. Her lips formed a frown as her mind wandered to everything Elizabeth's young mate had endured in her short life. She often found it amusing how much she cared for the wolf princess and just how deep her protective instincts went for the girl. She had no doubts that it had something to do with her insufferable aunt and their connection to magic. She wondered briefly how it was possible that Azalea had yet to show any sign of budding power, except for her apparent ability to shift into a fully functioning vampire when her mental state is weakened. Elizabeth sensed her change in attitude and gently pulled them to a stop, her sightless gaze roving over the general direction Camille was in.

"What is it?" She asked, her voice lethally soft.

Sighing, Camille stumbled over her words as she struggled to understand the thoughts whirring around her head. "Azalea is a quarter witch by blood. Her aunt is a half breed, though formerly a wolf-witch cross, she is now a vampire-witch cross, and something that should not exist in my opinion."

"Get to the point." Elizabeth glowered and crossed her arms impatiently.

"Meaning that she should have access to magic." She rushed to explain before the shocked expression on Elizabeth's face could morph into fire and death. "Not a lot however, but enough to prove that she is indeed a quarter witch. The night that we drug her down the mineshaft," she swallowed around the shame she felt for the part she played in that particularly stupid ass plan, and continued her sentence. "I s-saw her.........change." She winced at the warning gleam flashing across her sister's eyes.

"I think that she's a conduit or something along those lines." She bounced excitedly as she talked, her hands moving every which way. "You were meant to bond with her, to share your power with her and in turn she can share hers with you. If we can figure out a way for her to master that power it would give us a huge advantage. You two would literally be the rebellion's secret,-" Elizabeth snapped her fingers loudly in front of Camille's face, cutting off the redhead's torrent of chaotic thoughts.

The Wolf Queen (The Queen's Slave, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now