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"Good. You're getting better."

I gave him a small smile. Inside I was jumping with joy because of his praises, but I didn't show it. Tyrone searched through the papers that were littered around his desk. He picked one up and then handed it over to me. I stared at the diagrams on it with a little dismay.

"You need to copy those into your book," he said softly. "This are you notes for the upcoming test. I've made arrangements with the principle to have you write your test separately to give you enough time to finish. Someone else will keep watch."

"Okay." I took the stack of papers from him and placed it inside the book before closing it. "Are we done?"


I quietly packed my things into my bag and stood. Tyrone was focused on his phone. I licked my lips as I zipped my bag close. "Thank you."

He glanced up at me. For a moment it looked like he wanted to say something but he changed his mind. Tyrone gave me a nod before looking down at his phone again. He started typing, totally ignoring me. I wanted to ask him questions, but I forced myself to walk out of the classroom. The halls were empty and the classrooms locked. I used the bathroom first before heading towards the entrance of the school. Draven should be here within a few minutes.

I glanced around the empty parking lot. Only today it wasn't completely empty. Catlin and Aston were sitting under a tree a few feet away. They were deep in conversation and didn't seem to see me. I hesitated. I was about to turn around and head back into the school when Aston glanced up. He said something which made Catlin glance up. She smiled and waved me over to them. I walked across the parking lot and stopped in front of them.

"Hey. What are you still doing here?"

"I had some extra classes," I muttered. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for our fucked-up father to realize he has to pick us up," Aston answered.

I blinked at him. I wasn't expecting that answer from him. My eyes darted between them. They both had green eyes, but other than that there were no other similarities. "You're related?"

"Aston is my stepbrother," Catlin said softly.

"Oh." I turned when I heard the car. Draven parked a few feet away. I turned back to them. "Would you like to come over to my house?" I asked softly. "Or I could ask Draven to drop you off at home. . ." I trailed off.

"Are you sure he won't mind?"

"Yes." I hesitated. "Wait, I'll go asked him."

I turned and ran towards the car. Instead of walking around to the passenger side, I walked right up to the driver's side. He frowned at me when I stopped next to his door. Licking my lips, I sucked in a breath and blew it out.

"C-can my friends come over? Their father is running a little late. You won't mind dropping them off, will you?"

Draven blinked at me. He seemed surprised. I saw him swallow and glance past me to them. "I have to get back to the work. If they don't mind staying until I get home, then sure."

I smiled at him. "Thank you!"

Catlin stood when I approached them. I relayed what Draven said to them. They instantly agreed. Aston eyed me suspiciously as I climbed in the back with them. I never sat in front with Draven. Things were tense between us. Although he treated me like one of his own kids, I knew he was still mad about what happened. He saw me naked and having sex with his brother. Draven had gotten an eyeful. It was awkward whenever I was alone with him. The silence was uncomfortable to say the least. It didn't help that he actually told my mother about everything.

Teaching Sin [UNEDITED ROUGH DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now