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My mind was hazy. I frowned as I tried to remember what happened. Shifting slightly, I sighed. How did I get into bed? Last I remembered I was at school and puking. I winced as I remembered the taste of vomit in my mouth. Then there was Tyrone carrying me to the office.

"You can't undress, sweet pea." A thumb stroked the inside of my wrist. "Hold on, we're almost home."

"H-hot," I croaked.

"I know. Once we get home you can have a cool shower, okay?"

"It hurts."

"What hurts?"


Michel fetched me from school, but after that I couldn't remember anything. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked up the ceiling. The room was familiar. I turned my head to the side when I felt movement next to me. My eyes widened slightly when I saw Bella sleeping next to me. She was facing me on her side. One of her hands clasped mine tightly. Bella whimpered. Her brows furrowed and her hand clasping mine tightened.

Turning onto my side, I wrapped my arm around her waist and snuggled closer to her. Bella smelled like hospital, but underneath the stench of disinfectant, she smelled like home. Bella stirred, and pressed her lips against my cheek.

I must've fallen asleep again, because when I woke Bella wasn't there anymore. Instead my upper body was resting on Tyrone's chest. He was stroking my hair. I shifted slightly and turned my face to press it against his neck. His hand stilled but only for a second.

"How are you feeling, baby?"

"Better," I croaked. "Have I been sleeping long?"

"You've been in and out of it for four days," he said softly. "You're fever broke late yesterday night."

"W-was it b-bad?"

"You had us very worried." He gently pushed me onto my back and hovered over me. "Are you really feeling okay?"

His steel grey eyes traced over my face. Concern flooded them. My heart clenched. He really cared for me. Tyrone, Michel and Bella cared for me like no one else ever had. It made me love them even more. Love? Was this what love felt like?


"I'm fine. A little tired and hazy."

"That's the effect of the medicine." He started rubbing small circles on my hip. "After Michel picked you up from school, I called my sister. She's a doctor. After checking you over, she prescribed some medicine and then gave you an injection."

My eyes widened. "Injection? Where?"

His hand slipped from my hip lower over my ass. "Right here."

Heat flooded my cheeks. Tyrone chuckled and then leaned down to press his forehead against mine. I breathed him in. He smelled slightly of soap and man. Tyrone wasn't wearing any of his cologne he usually wore, but he still smelled good.

"You're booked off school for two more weeks," he said softly. "She said that you needed to take things easy. No stress of too much physical activities."

"I can stay here?"

"Until you're better." My hope died. "My sister talked Draven into leaving you here. He's come to check up on you but he hasn't said a word about taking you away."

"I don't remember," I whispered.

"You were delirious because of the fever." He suddenly smiled. "You kept on taking off your clothes. It was a mission to have you keep them on long enough when Draven was here."


He shook his head. "No need to apologize, baby."

"Where's Bella?"

"They're taking a nap. Do you want to get some more sleep?"

"Can we have a shower?"

"We can have a bath. You stay here and I'll go fill the bathtub."


By Monday I was feeling a whole lot better, although I still felt a little weak. According to Lizzy—Tyrone's sister—I was over the worst of it. Draven stopped by on Saturday. I was in bed "resting" when he stopped by. He kept things short by asking how I was doing and if I was ready to go home with him. I told him that I didn't want to go with him, and he accepted that. For now.

Tyrone had to go back to work on Monday. Michel could only stay with me half the day before he had to leave for a meeting. I was left alone with a bunch of movies, food and blankets to cuddle in. He had made sure I knew all the emergency numbers and that I were comfortable before leaving.

Tuesday was spent the same but I had Michel to cuddle with. By Wednesday I was feeling close to my old self. Tyrone forced me to copy some notes into my school books while Michel worked in the office. It took me well over two hours to complete it. By the time I was done, Michel still hadn't emerged from the office.

I packed my things away and carried the bag upstairs. After leaving it in my room, I made my way to Bella and Michel's room. Bella said that she had some clothes that might fit me. The clothes were neatly packed on the chair. A few shirts and shorts, along with some strange-looking dresses.

I pulled off the shorts and t-shirt I was wearing, and picked up the black dress. It was strapless with weird shinny-things around the middle. When I pulled it on, it ended a few inches above my knees. I struggled with the dress for a few seconds before discarding it. Slipping the dress off, I reached for another. Something fell on the floor when I picked it up. I dropped the dress and bent to pick it up.

It had a silver oval shaped thing at the front and attached to it was a long purple fluffy thing. It felt so soft.


I glanced over my shoulder at the door, but Michel wasn't there. Not yet anyway. Gripping the thing tighter, I glanced around. My eyes fell on the clothes. I quickly parted it and stuffed the thing between it. Michel entered the room a few second later to find me pulling on one of the shirts.

"What are you doing?"

"Bella said I could try it on and if it fits, I can take it."

"Did you finish your work?" he asked softly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Yes sir!"

I pulled the shirt off and folded it neatly before reaching for another. After pulling it on, I turned around and smiled at Michel. His eyes slowly trailed over me. They lingered on my legs.

"What do you think?" I asked softly.

"It looks good, sweet pea."

My smile widened. Discarding the other clothes, I walked over to him. I stepped between his parted thighs and stared down at him. Michel wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. He pressed his face against my chest. I hesitated and then wrapped my arm around his neck.

"Are you okay?"

"Mm." Michel raised his head and glanced up at me. "I have to go into the office. Do you want to come with me?"

The thought of meeting strangers again made me grimace. Being forced to go to school was enough. I couldn't handle people staring and silently judging me right now.

"Not really," I said softly.

"I can see that." He sat back, allowing his arms to slip. "Bella should be home within the next half an hour. You'll be okay until then?"

"It's not the first time you've left me here alone," I pointed out.

"I know. Just don't leave the house or go near the pool, okay?"

"I won't. I'm going to pack the clothes away and then—"

"Help Bella with dinner." I bit my lip. "You need to learn how to cook. Bella can teach you the easy things. After that Tyrone and I will teach you a few more things."

"And if I don't want to?"

"Then I guess you won't get any desert." 

Teaching Sin [UNEDITED ROUGH DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now