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"Lie on the bed in the middle," Michel ordered softly. "On your back."

My hesitation only lasted for two seconds. I followed his order and crawled onto the bed. Flopping onto my back, I stared up at the ceiling. I was panting by the time he crawled onto the bed next to me. He lay down beside me and propped his head on his hand.

He hesitated and then placed his large hand on my stomach. My eyes followed the movement of his fingers. Michel softly brushed my skin. His hand slightly slid lower. I sucked in a sharp breath when his fingers brushed my pubic hair.

"I'm going to touch you here," he whispered as his hand slid lower over my sex. "And kiss you."

His hand moved up again against my ribs to the underside of my left breasts. His thumb brushed against it.

"Tell me to stop when it makes you feel uncomfortable, okay?"


"Good girl."

My skin heated at the praise. Michel leaned down and caught my lips with his. His hand slipped up the massage my breasts as he deepened the kiss. I moaned, reaching up to wrap my arms around his shoulders.

He shifted, and then he was suddenly on top of me. My body tensed and a whimper fell from my lips as the memories of the attack flashed through my mind. With my hands pressed against his chest, I tried to push him off.

"Sin," he said softly. "Open your eyes and look at me Sin."

But I wasn't seeing him. I was seeing father's friend holding me down on the bed. I felt his hands ripping at my clothes and smelt his foul breath in my face. A scream bubbled up in my chest. My lips parted but before it could escape, the weight was suddenly lifted.

"Breathe sweet pea."

I sucked air into my lungs and forced them to work. My fingers dug into skin as I fought. The voice whispering in my ear was so much different than the other one. His touch was gentle and soothing instead of bruising.

"That's it." Lips brushed my damp skin. "You're doing good Sin. Keep on breathing."

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked up at the green eyes so close to mine. Michel smiled down at me and tenderly moved some strands of hair from my face.

"I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "There's no reason to be sorry. I was too fast for you."

I shook my head. "When you got on top of me I remembered him holding me down." I pressed my cheek against his chest and closed my eyes. "I tried not to but it was hard to stop. It just happened."

Michel continued to stroke my hair. My body slowly relaxed against his. What happened has never happened before. I've had nightmares days after the attack and every time he had managed to rip my clothes off. He had hurt me that way father sometimes hurt his wife.

"I want Pinky."

"Who's Pinky?"

"Nana gave her to me before father made her leave," I told him. "She's soft and smells like flowers."

"Is she a stuffie?"

"No," I shook my head. "A doll."

"Where is she now?"

Tears filled my eyes. I sniffed and turned my head to look up at him. "Father killed her. He stabbed her over and over again and then he ripped her apart. He said it was because I had to grow up. He didn't like it when I'm little. Father burned her so I couldn't fix her."

Teaching Sin [UNEDITED ROUGH DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now