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"You're going back to school, aren't you excited?"

What was there to be excited about? Draven was forcing me to go to school. According to everything Draven and Lauren had told me, it was a private school. It was a privilege to be allowed to attend. I couldn't bring myself to feel even a little excited.

"Are you done with breakfast?" Beth hovered next to me. "You need to go get dressed."

I pushed the bowl with soggy cereal her way and slid down from the chair. Damien entered the kitchen as I walked out. He gave me a small smile, but I ignored him. I've been ignoring all of them expect Beth and Lucy. Tyrone hasn't called me once since I come back here a week ago. I texted him and I tried calling him.

Bella had said that they hadn't heard from him either since he left that day. It seemed like he wasn't going to ever come back.

Once in my bedroom, I stared down at the uniform Beth had laid out for me. Since it was a private school, I was forced to wear a stupid uniform. Drave drove me into town yesterday to get it. Along with this he had also bought a school bag and books. And a bunch of things I've never used before.

With a sigh, I pushed down the sleep shorts. I picked up the skirt and pulled it up my legs. Closing the zip was tricky, but I managed. The white button shirt was a short and hard to tug into the skirt. There was also a tie that had to go around my neck. I picked it up and stared at it. I had no clue how to put it on.

There was a soft knock on the door a second before it was slowly pushed open. Beth gave me a smile as she entered the room. Her smile turned into a frown when her eyes trailed over me.

"That skirt is way too short to be descent," she muttered. "Are you wearing short underneath?"

I shook my head. Beth muttered something under her breath and walked over to the closet. She searched around until she found a pair of short shorts. Beth handed it to me with an order to put it on. I did as she ordered. Once I had pulled it on, Beth stepped closer. She tugged the skirt down roughly before giving a satisfied nod.

"There. Comb your hair now dear, and then go ask Draven to fold that tie for you."

Half an hour later I hesitantly entered the kitchen. Everyone was seated at the table, however they all looked up when I entered. Lauren gave a bitter laugh as she stood from the table. Her eyes trailed over me in distaste.

"You look like a slut."

"Lauren!" Draven yelled.

"What?" She glanced at him over her shoulder. "She does. That shirt can barely close—"

"It was the only one they had that fits her," he cut her off. "I had them take her measurements to make her new shirts."

She huffed as she walked over to the fridge. Ellie glared at me when I glanced back at the table. The hatred I saw in her eyes made me stumbled a step back. I never did anything to her, so why does she hate me?

"That skirt is a little short too," Beth said softly.

"I'll have them make another then."

Draven stood with his plate. He carried it over to the sink and then grabbed a brown paper bag. I glanced up at him when he stopped in front of me.

"Beth made you some lunch," he said softly, holding it out towards me.

I hesitated, and took it from him. Draven suddenly stepped forward, making me stumbled away from him. I sucked in a sharp breath when he gripped my arm. He instantly let go and held up his hands.

"Sorry," he muttered. "I didn't want you to fall." He nodded down at the tie in my hand. "I was going to tie that for you."

My heartbeat increased. Swallowing loudly, I handed the tie to him. I forced myself to stand still as he tied it around my neck. His fingers brushed against my skin for a few seconds. I flinched, but otherwise stayed still. Air left my lungs in a rush when he finally stepped back.

"If you're ready we can leave."


The school was situated in the centre of town, right opposite the local college. It was a two story brick building surrounded by tall fences. Draven parked his car close to the front entrance and ushered me inside. We were directed straight to an office once we entered.

"Relax," Draven urged softly. "I promise you that you'll enjoy it here."

I turned my face away from him. The office was cool and pretty cosy. The desk looked similar to the one Michel had in his office at home. The thought of Michel made pain wash through me. I haven't seen them once. We've texted but neither of them had called me or made arrangements to see me. Bella said that she was working double shifts at the hospital so she couldn't visit me. Michel told me he was busy at work.

And Tyrone. . .He probable hated me now. I regretted ever telling him that I hated him. That longing inside me intensified. I longed to hear his voice—even if it was to tell me that he hated me too.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting." A tall man entered the office. "I had a meeting that went on longer than expected."

The door clicked closed behind him. I caught a whiff of revolting cologne when he walked past me. My eyes darted up when he took a seat behind the desk. The man was in his mid-forties, judging by his greying hair. He was just as tall as Draven but slimmer. Dark brown eyes caught mine.

"You must be Sydney Garcia." He held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

My eyes dropped to his hand. I made no move to shake it. Draven cleared his throat.

"Sydney doesn't like any one touching her. She doesn't talk much either."

"So she's mute," he muttered, glancing back at me. "Is she on any medication?"

"No. I was told medication isn't needed. She's stable."

"Good, good." He opened a file in front of him and silently read it. After a few minutes he glanced up again. "I see here you left school a few months after you turned sixteen. You're grades were average at least."

"I was told you offer some extra classes." The man nodded. "Is there a way we can arrange to have someone get her up to date?"

"I'll see what I can do for you." He closed the file and leaned back in the chair. "For now you'll fall in with the others. I'll have a talk with the teachers and find out who can be able to give her extra classes."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it." He made a dismissive gesture with his hand. "I want you to strive. Glenda is getting your textbooks ready. She'll also print out a map of the school and mark your classes and the easiest way to get to them."

Draven stood and I took that as my cue to do the same. I bent to pick up my bag and swung it over my shoulder. The man stood as well. They shook hands.

"The teachers will be informed that she's mute so you have nothing to worry about." He turned to smile at me. "I'll show you around before school starts." 

Teaching Sin [UNEDITED ROUGH DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now