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"Uncle T!"

I smiled and bent down to scoop her up in my arms when she ran to me. Lucy wrapped chocolate covered hands around my neck. Reaching up, I wiped some chocolate from her cheek.

"You need to stop eating all these chocolates princess. It's going to make you fat."

"Sin gave me." I raised an eyebrow. "Daddy got her but she give to me."

"So why doesn't she eat it herself?"

"Sin sick."

My stomach turned slightly. "Sin's sick?"

Lucy shook her head. She frowned down at me and pointed towards the kitchen. I followed her silent instruction. I was expecting to find Sin there but the kitchen was empty. I frowned.

"Where's Sin?"

"Probably at the stables," Beth muttered as she entered the kitchen.

I lowered Lucy back to the ground and watched as she ran to the table. She instantly started colouring again. My eyes moved to Beth as she disappeared into the laundry room. I hesitated for a second and then followed her.

"Lucy said she's sick," I said from the doorway.

Beth paused and then shook her head. "She's fine now. I made chocolate pudding last night. That girl can't stomach anything sweet."

"She's not used to eating sweets."

Beth straightened and turned towards me with her hands on her hips. She stared at me which made me shift from foot to foot. Her gaze was calculating.

"You care about that girl?" I hesitated but then nodded. "She needs someone to love her. That wretched woman doesn't deserve a sweet girl like Sydney."

I stepped further into the room. "What do you mean?"

"Lauren slapped her the other night. It wasn't the first time. I got a feeling she's used to abuse." She shook her head as she pulled washing from the machine. "There's more to this than she wants us to believe."

"We all have our theories Beth."

When she said nothing else, I turned, ready to walk away.

"Can I speak freely, Mr. Sanders?"

I turned back to her and gave her a wry smile. "Honesty would be appreciated Beth."

"Lauren doesn't want her here whether Sin's her daughter or not. I'm worried about that girl Mr. Sanders. Something just isn't right. I'm afraid Lauren would try anything to get her out of this house."

Knowing her, it wouldn't really be a shock. I've never really liked Lauren and seeing those bruises on Sin's skin the other day only made that dislike intensify. Michel was looking into her background. He had found nothing about Sin's birth so far which was another red flag.

"I'll look out for her," I muttered.

Beth nodded and then continued with her work. I pressed a kiss to Lucy's forehead as I passed her on the way out. The moment I stepped outside, I glanced up at the sky. Thunderclouds were already starting to roll in. By the looks of it, it was going to be one hell of thunderstorm.

As I made my way to the stables, I went over my conversation with Beth. I actually felt scared to leave Sin at the house with Lauren. Oh I knew my brother would try his best to keep Sin save, but sometimes Lauren managed to manipulation him. He would do anything for his sweet little wife.

Teaching Sin [UNEDITED ROUGH DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now