"You're nothing but an insolent bitch."

Fire burned my flesh.

Insolent bitch.

I shook away the memory and focused on Ozai's words, "He told me that the only thing you were good at was firebending. Fire bending drives this society. I welcomed you into my home. You had proved to be an excellent fire bender."

He paused, waiting for me to reply.

I stared at him, indignant, "thank you, sir."

He nodded, "You can waterbend."

"Yes, sir."

"Are you the Avatar? Has the cycle already made it to the fire nation?"

"No sir. I can only bend two elements."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Because I know my life is on the line as it is."

He seemed to be pondering something. His expression grew angry again, "I welcomed you into my home. I had been hospitable. You mingled with my children, I am paying for your education. My own brother, that tea-loving fool, teaches you fire bending. I have given you everything a fire nation citizen would want. This is how you repay me?"

"I'm not sure I understand."

He swept his hand and an arc of fire hurtled towards me. I was scarily calm. I knew there was a glass of water by my bed, I raised my hand and the fire was cut in half and dispelled by an arc of water.

Zuko placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't understand? You lied."

"I never lied. You never asked me if I could waterbend."

Zuko kicked my shin again.

"Now is not the time to get smart. You withheld information, and you will pay the price."


"You think that this is a joke?"

"Not at all, sir."

"Lose the attitude," he paused and smiled, "(Y/N). I will let you off with no punishment on one condition."

"Thank you, sir."

He laughed. A crazy laugh, "I wouldn't thank me. I challenge you to an Agni Kai."

"Father," Zuko stepped in front of me, "No! You can't. I won't let you do that."

"Zuko. You will learn your place."

Zuko stood his ground, "N-no! You can't. No way in hell am I letting you-"

Ozai smiled, catching Zuko off guard, "Very well, son. Do you want to defend Seizo's daughter? It will be you in the Agni Kai against me,"

"NO-" I practically screamed, but Ozai cut me off.

"It will be you fighting for your honor," he paused, "and if you lose, you and (Y/N) are both banished, and may only return once you have captured the Avatar. Dead or alive."

I pushed Zuko out of the way, "NO. Sir, I am the one who withheld information. This is my punishment to take, I will not allow Zuko to-"

"It's done," Ozai left the room, slamming the door behind him.

I slapped Zuko across the face, "You idiot! How could you? You are no match for your father- you- how could you?" I slapped him again, "why would you do something so stupid? I can't let you-Zuko I won't let you- Why?"

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