Chapter 21

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"Em.... Yes, sure."

Chris closes the door behind him and sits in the empty seat beside me, I can feel my hands shaking with the nerves.

"I just wanted to check on how things are coming along? I've to set the date for the opening of the center so I just want to see what time frame we are looking at?"

"Oh... Yes well they reckon that the paint and flooring will be done by the end of this week. I was talking to the suppliers for the kitchen units, they are delivering and installing them in 2-3 days so if we can finalise all the furniture, appliances and finishing touches this week, I'd say it should all be finished within 2 weeks, providing that everything runs smoothly."

"Right, that all sounds good. I have organized with your brother that this weekend we will head down there to check up on the progress ourselves. Jake has been sending me on some progress pictures but I think we need to see it for ourselves."

"Oh, right, like for the whole weekend?"

"Well I was thinking that we could head straight from work on Friday evening. I thought you might like to spend some time with jake seen as your time came to an abrupt end last weekend."

"Oh, right. But are you not too busy to be gone for the whole weekend?"

"No it's fine I've organized my work so I can be available that weekend."


I'm not sure whether to be extremely happy about this or extremely worried. I mean I can't wait to see Jake and to physically see how the refuge center is coming along, but I'm dreading the awkward car journey and the constant tension that I feel when I'm around Chris, not being able to touch him or to kiss him, it's torture.

"Ellie, should we talk about what happened the other night? I mean do you regret that it happened?"

I can feel his eyes on me, but I'm too terrified to face him for fear of crumbling under his intense, hot gaze.

"Oh, no Chris, I definitely don't regret it, so don't give it another thought. I'm fine, don't worry."

"Are you sure? I can't help feeling that you maybe feel uncomfortable around me now...... Ellie, please look at me."

I don't budge, but Chris gently places his hand on my cheek to turn my head to face him. I immediately avert my eyes from him, looking down at the ground.

"Look at me."

(Damn it..... He's going to ruin me.)

I slowly lift my eyes up to meet his.

Suddenly the door swings open. Chris quickly drops his hand and moves away from me. We look to see Lily standing there with a with a look thats filled with curiosity and amusement.

"Oh, sorry to disturb you, I was looking for you in your office Chris but you weren't there. Hayley said that you might be in here working with Ellie....."

Chris clears his throat and gets up from the chair to meet Lily at the door. "Yes we were just finalizing a few things. What was so urgent that you needed to see me?"

"I've a few accounts here that I need you to sign off on."

"Very well, let's go to my office. Ellie good work and we'll review the situation in a couple of days."

"Em.... Yes. Sure."

Chris leaves, and just before Lily follows him she looks to me and gives me a smirk and raises her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

(Damn I can only imagine the conversation at lunch!)

I've no idea what would have happened if Lily hadn't of interrupted us. Part of me was hopeful that maybe he might of kissed me, but I swiftly push that hope aside. More than likely he felt guilty and just wanted to clear the air between us.

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