Chapter 6

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Jake interrupts me from my thoughts as he enters the living room and announces that the dinner is ready.

Chris turns to me as we start to follow Jake back into the kitchen.

"Like I said Ellie, think it over and let me know what your decision is."

I smile and nod at Chris as we all reach the dinner table and sit down. My tummy is doing summersaults, food is certainly the last thing on my mind right now.

"What decision is that then?" Jake asks curiously.

"I was just saying to Ellie that she would be the perfect candidate to take on the interior designer position for this new project, that's if she decides to take it. Her portfolio is outstanding." Chris says, causing me to blush slightly.

"What.....and you haven't said yes already? Ellie this would be an incredible opportunity for you. What is there to think about?" Jake asked with an almost shocked expression on his face.

Before I even get a chance to respond Chris quickly swoops in to the take the heat off me.

"It's a big decision to make....I need Ellie to be one hundred percent sure that this is what she wants before she says yes."

(Jake is right....what is wrong with me? When is an opportunity like this going to come around again?)

"No, you know what Chris? Jake is much as it pains me to say that but I would love to work on this project. I just hope that I can live up to your expectations."

Chris smiles at me warmly. "I have no doubt in my mind that you will be more than capable!"

(Oh's official.....I'm screwed. All I can think about when he looks at me right now is how perfectly plump his lips are and wonder how they would feel against mine. I bet his kisses are the kind that leave you weak at the knees!)

I snap out of my thoughts and realize I have been lustfully staring at him. I feel my cheeks flush and I quickly look down to my plate trying to hide my sudden embarrassment.

"Well this is definitely something that we have to celebrate. Tomorrow night, we will hit the town. What do you say?" Jake asks enthusiastically.

"I don't know, I should probably study when I get home from college. But you both should definitely have a night out." I say.

"Well there isn't much point in going out to celebrate if the person we are celebrating isn't even there." Chris says with a small smirk on his face.

"Yeah exactly, plus it's Chris' last night here. One night off studying isn't going to kill you." Jake adds.

I look at the two men's pleading faces. It doesn't take me much convincing when I lock eyes with Chris.

"Okay Okay....don't give me the whole puppy dog eyes routine Jake! I'll go." I say defeated.

Jake chuckles. "Works every time." He says victoriously.

Chris looks to me and winks. "I must remember that for future reference." He says as a devilish smile spreads across his face.

The rest of the dinner is spent mostly with the guys talking about the upcoming project and the photographs that Jake has taken for Chris' article. I try my best to keep my eyes mainly on my food out of fear I would get caught ogling Chris.

"Thanks Jake, dinner was lovely. I think I'm going to call it a night....I've college in the morning." I say as I stand up from the table.

"Yes and a big night out on the town celebrating to be ready for." Jake says with a grin.

"And by big night out on the town, he really means we will be both stuck carrying his drunk butt home." I jokingly say to Chris.

Chris lets out a deep hearty laugh. The delicious deepness in his tone echoes in my ears. Jake shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Hey now, come on. What do you expect, when I usually have to drink for the both of us seen as you are such a lightweight." Jake says.

"Yes sure, whatever you say big brother. Goodnight guys. And Chris, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. It means the world to me." I say as I look at Chris.

"Thank you for saying yes. I know you are going to be great. Goodnight Ellie." Chris says softly.

I leave the kitchen and make my way upstairs to my bedroom. I get changed into my night clothes and dive into my bed. My head is buzzing with so many thoughts. This is huge, I have an actual job as an interior designer. I am going to be working for Chris. I know nothing will ever happen between us but I can't help but be filled with excitement for this job opportunity and the prospect of maybe getting to know Chris a little more. As long as I can keep a handle on my feelings every thing will be fine.

I wake the next morning to my alarm clock ringing in my ears. I feel like I haven't had a wink of sleep. I don't know what time it was when my mind finally shut down and I fell asleep....all I know is it was late!

I quickly hop up out of bed and get dressed for college. I grab my bag and make my way downstairs. Luckily the house is empty so no more embarrassing moments with Chris.....until tonight at least.

I manage to get through the full day of college without falling asleep which is a huge result in itself. Thankfully this is officially my last week of lectures then we are off next week for a study week before the exams start the week after. I get the bus home. It's 5.30 when I reach my house. I notice Jake's car is still gone which means the guys obviously aren't back yet.

I head upstairs and have a quick shower. I decide to loosely curl my hair tonight, it's not often I go out or dress up so I feel like making the effort tonight. I have to admit that a part of me is probably doing it in the hope that Chris might notice me. With that thought firmly in my mind I pick out a figure-hugging red bardot dress. The tags are still on it. I think I bought it for my 21st birthday but in the end I felt too self-conscious in it and ended up wearing a flowy maxi-dress.

When my hair and makeup is finished I squeeze myself into the dress and stand in front of my mirror. The dress is actually really flattering. I in no way have the body of a supermodel, I'm curvy, but this dress definitely highlights the curves in all the right ways.

My stomach is in knots at the moment. I am terrified to go downstairs and see Chris again but I know I have to otherwise I will have Jake banging on my door. I slip on my shoes and grab my bag before leaving my bedroom. I make my way down the stairs slowly so that I don't fall in these blooming heels. When I enter the living room Jake is sitting on the sofa. He looks up when he hears me approach.

"Woah look drop dead gorgeous.....there was a stage there where I wasn't really sure if you had any legs!" Jake says jokingly.

"Very funny Jake. It's only a dress, it's no big deal. I have worn plenty before." I say defensively.

"Not like that you haven't.....All jokes aside you really do look beautiful. I think I am going to have to wear a "don't worry, she's my sister" t-shirt if I am standing beside you. I don't want you scaring all the women away on me!" Jake says with a chuckle.

"Don't worry I'll stay far enough away from you." I add.

"Chris should be down in a minute and we will head then. The taxi should be here any minute." Jake says as he hops off the sofa.

Just then I hear footsteps coming from behind me and slowly turn around. I gasp mentally when I see Chris. He is standing in front of me dressed in suit trousers and a black fitted shirt which caresses every muscle on his torso and arms. The first two buttons of his shirt are casually undone, showing me a glimpse of his tanned and no doubt perfectly toned chest.

Jake clears his throat behind me and that's when I realize I have just been standing there staring at Chris like a freak.

(Mother of god....If he didn't think I was weird before....he definitely will now.)

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