Chapter 11

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We both swing our heads around to see Chris standing looking at us with an amused smile upon his face.

"Yes brother dearest. You didn't tell me you'd be here today. I wasn't expecting you both here until Monday." Lily says as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Yet somehow you managed to know we were here." Chris says with a smirk.

"Well Ellie is kind of the topic of conversation at the moment......Let's just say her entrance turned quite a few heads and well I put two and two together." Lily says.

"Yes I'm sure you did. Nothing ever gets by you." Chris says as he shakes his head.

"And that's why I'm the best in accounting, I'm very observant." Lily says as she winks at Chris.

"Hmm, well I'm afraid I'm going to have to tear Ellie away from you. We need to get going. We haven't been to the house yet and I imagine she would like to unpack and relax a bit." Chris says as he smiles at me.

"Hey, hold on a second. What are you both doing for dinner tonight? Why don't Ryan and I stop by, we'll bring some food and drink. It will be fun." Lily says with an enthusiastic smile on her face.

"Em, I don't know. I mean, Ellie are you tired? Would you prefer an early night?" Chris asks me politely.

"Oh, I don't mind at all. I mean we don't have to work tomorrow, do we?" I ask.

"No, don't worry, I'm not going to drag you into work on a Sunday." Chris says as he smiles softly at me.

"Great, well that's that settled so. We'll see you both at about 8.00pm." Lily says as she disappears from the room, not giving either of us a chance to protest.

"I hope you didn't feel like you had to agree to that? I can cancel if you would prefer a quiet night or just some time to yourself?" Chris says with a slight look of concern on his face.

"No, not at all. Lily is lovely. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better."

"Well okay, don't say I didn't warn you." Chris says with a small chuckle.

Chris ushers me out of the office. We walk past Hayley's desk, luckily she's too busy on the phone to stop us. We make our way down to the ground floor and out to Chris' car.

"So, how do you like it?" Chris asks as we drive away from the building.

"Honestly Chris, it's perfect. I feel like pinching myself. This is way more that I ever could have dreamed of."

"Well I'm delighted that you are happy. It will probably be quite hectic once the work kicks in but I'm very hands on and I'll help you in any way that I can."

(Mmm, very hand on....)

Those words seem to awaken something in my body as I feel a sudden throbbing sensation between my thighs, imagining his hands running up legs.

(Jesus Christ....stop it Ellie!)

We must have only been driving for about 10 minutes when Chris pulls into a long driveway leading up to a modest two-storey house. There is a gorgeous big garden which is completely sheltered with tall trees running the full length of the property, making it totally secluded and private.

"Welcome to my home Ellie." Chris says as he parks the car.

"It's beautiful Chris."

"Like I said.....It's far from the mansion you probably first imagined me to have."

"I guess I probably did wrongly make that assumption, but honestly, this is so much nicer than any mansion, it has character." I say as I take in the beautiful surroundings.

My Safe RefugeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora