A man wearing a maroon cape turned around, wearing the same exact outfit from the mystery guy today.

"Mysterio?" I asked.

"What?" Mr. Beck asked.

"Doesn't matter. It's just what my friends have been calling you." I waved it off.

"Well," he smiled holding his hand out for me to shake, "You can call me Quentin."

I shook his hand.

"You handled yourself well out there today. I saw what you did with the tower. We could use someone like you on my world."

"Thanks." I said softly before the rest of what he said caught up, "Wait, your world?"

"Mr. Beck is from earth. Just not yours." Fury butted in.

"There are multiple realities, Peter. This is Earth, Dimension 616. I'm from Earth 833." Quentin said, walking around to the other side of the table.

My teeth sunk into my bottom lip to try and contain the excitement bubbling inside me, "I'm sorry, you're saying there's a multiverse? 'Cause I thought that was just theoretical. That completely changes how we understand the initial singularity. We're talking about an internal inflation system and how does that even work with all the quantum--? It's insane--"

I trailed off, face feeling extremely hot when I saw everyone was looking at me.

"S-sorry. It's really cool." I apologized, swallowing back my embarrassment.

"Don't ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room." Quentin offered me a smile to ease my embarrassment, "Anyway..."

The new hero pressed a button on the table, a hologram popping up of four different types of monsters, very much like the water monster but different elements.

"They were born in stable orbits within black holes. Creatures formed from the primary elements: Air, water, fire, earth. The Science Division had a technical name. We just called them Elementals." Quentin explained, licking his lips before continuing.

"They first materialized on my earth many years ago. We mobilized and fought them, but with each battle they grew, got stronger. I was part of the last battalion left trying to stop them. All we did was delay the inevitable."

"The Elementals are here now, attacking the same coordinates. Our satellites confirm it." Agent Hill said crossing her arms over her chest.

"So thank Mr. Beck for destroying the other three. There's only one left: fire." Fury leaned back in his chair.

"The strongest of them all. The one that destroyed my Earth. It's the one that took my family." Quentin had a defeated look across his face.

"I'm sorry." I said truthfully. That was my biggest fear as a hero and I couldn't imagine the pain that came with losing a family member.

"It will be in Prague in about 48 hours." Hill said.

"Our mission is to kill it. And you're coming with us." Fury told me, not leaving any room for a no.

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