Chapter 80: Late Night

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Rose's P.O.V
Friday, December 25, 1968...

I woke up. I was laying on Ponyboy's chest. It was 3 in the morning. The bedsheets smelled awful. I got up, wrapping myself with sheets. And headed to the bathroom. "We should change the sheets." Pony suggested. "Yeah." I said. I wrapped a towel around me and handed one to Pony.

I took the sheets to the washing machine and placed them inside. I also placed my night gown inside because I spilled water on it. I hoped in the shower as Pony was getting his clothes from his room and placing new sheets. I got out and Ponyboy got in. I dried my hair and slipped underwear on. I laid on my stomach in bed without a bra. Ponyboy got out of the shower and dried his hair. He was just wearing briefs. I began feeling sleepy. The bed sunk next to me and Ponyboy laid next to me. "You know I love you?" He asked. "I love you too" I smiled. He ran his fingertips from my waist up to my back. He placed kisses on my back. I laughed a little. I turned to him and hugged him. I burying my face in his neck. And fell asleep.


It was eight in the morning. The angle the blinds were closed allowed the sun to slightly peak into the room. I got up. "Don't get up yet." Pony groaned. "I'm closing the curtains" I said as I closed them. I fell back in bed. It was awhile of us laughing and cuddling. I looked over. "Are you hungry?" Pony asked " A little bit" I said. I hummed a song. "Sing for me." Pony smiled as he raised his arms and placed them under his head. Acting like a pillow. "Mm okay." I smiled. "You're just too good to be true. I can't take my eyes off you. You'd be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived. And I thank god I'm alive. You're just too good to be true..." I sang. I leaned in and kissed him. I pulled away.

He smiled. And pecked my lips. I got up and looked for something to wear. Pony sat up and threw me his fuzzy flannel. He always wore it in winter time. It was a flannel what was fuzzy inside. I grabbed it and wore it, only doing the middle button. It reached mid thigh, so I didn't need pants. He put only pants on. We headed out. I sat on the counter. He brought a box with him. "Here" He said as he handed it to me. "What's this?" I asked curiously. "Proof of my love for you" He whispered. I blushed. "Pony." I said. "You didn't have to." I said. "Well I feel like I do." he said.

I opened the box and inside were letters. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch in the middle on the living room. The sun greated me. I opened the letters and read them one after the other:

Letter 1
Rose, In another life you would be my girl.

Letter 2
Rose, when I woke up and didn't see you. I didn't know what to do.

Letter 3
Today I missed you more than yesterday so I played your records.

Letter 20
How did I realize two months ago that you're the one I love?

I looked down in the box it was a waxed rose. "It'll never die. Like my love for you." He said from behind me. I looked over my shoulder. He got infront of me and leaned down for a kiss. Breakfast was ready. I sat on the counter as I ate. He was standing next to me. I placed the empty plate in the sink that was next to me. He got in front of me and kissed me. He slid in between my legs and hugged my waist.

PS. I Still Love YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant