💌 Chapter 19: They're Staring 💌

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🌹 Rose's P.O.V 🌹

Monday, September 15, 1967...

When I arrived at the school, I parked in reverse so I could get out easier and faster. We all got our bags and walked inside. I walked to the office with Pony as the other boys went to put some stuff in their lockers. I grabbed my schedule and looked at Pony. I had Algebra with everyone, AP HUGS with Johnny, Bio chemistry with Pony, World history with Steve, medical Science with everyone, English with Ponyboy and spanish with everyone. We had lunch after fifth  period.

We met up with the rest of the boys and told them my schedule. "Oh, cheer practice starts today and so does track practice." Pony added as we walked to math class. "Where's the sign up sheet?" I asked. "They don't have one. You can just go after school to the gym." Pony said. We walked into the class and people were sitting down. The bell rung and they all sat down and calmed down. "Hello darling. Are you Rose Green?" The teacher whispered. "The one and only" I smiled. "Oh I can tell I'm already gonna like you hun. My name is Mrs. Johnson but you can call me Honey." The teacher told me. "Class, this is you new classmate. Her name is Rose Green. Please go sit with Pony and his group." The teacher said. I saw all of them looking at me and whispering. A girl walked in and sat with a group of boys.

PS. I Still Love YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora