💌 Chapter 18: No More 💌

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🌹 Rose's P.O.V 🌹

Monday, September 15th, 1967...

I was woken up by someone jumping on my bed and falling to the ground. "Ow!" I heard them groan. I sat up quickly, startled by all the commotion. "Are you okay?!" I asked as I saw Two rubbing his lower back, while on the floor. Ponyboy and Darry rushed into the room. "Gosh darn Two-bit! I told you to wake her up! Not to break your ass!" Darry yelled. I rubbed my eyes and layed back down. "You have to get ready in under 30 minutes and eat breakfast. You have school today." Darry said looking at his watch. I groaned and got out of bed. Darry and Two left, leaving Pony behind.

Pony leaned against the door frame. I walked to my closet and oppened the doors, I looked for something to wear. "Are you exited for today?" He asked out of the blue. "Meh, kinda. I just hope they don't bully me like they did years ago." I said as I settled on wearing mom jeans with a black Beatles shirt tucked in and my black vans. "They won't even recognize you!" Pony said. Which was most likely the truth. I lost about 30 pounds over these two years thanks to Susana.

I headed downstairs after I finished getting ready. I decided to leave my hair in its natural straight form. Darry was serving breakfast and everyone was there. I sat down and quickly ate. "Well boys lets go." I said as I took my plate and placed it in the sink. I grabbed my bag and keys. They boys walked behind me and got in the car. "Good luck hun!" Sandy said before I closed the door. I oppened it and smiled as I said thank you. I got in the car and drove to school. "Soooooo...." Two began. "Yes...?" I asked. "Since when have you and the horseman here been dating huh?" Steve asked. I looked at pony. "We aren't dating. You know that right?" I said. "Oh for sure. Yesterday he called you darling, the other day he kissed your hand..." Two began.

"We're just friends." I said. "Friends with benefits I guess" Steve said. "Steve! Pony help me here will ya?" I said. "Guys, me and Rose have a very nice friendship alright. I see this girl like a sister alright?" He said. And although I nodded my head in agreement, it hurt like hell knowing that while I was here, crying over how bad I want him, over how bad I miss him and over how bad I wish he was mine, he only sees me as a friend. A friend and no more...

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