Chapter 77: Mt. Hood

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Rose's P.O.V
Wednesday, December 23, 1968...

We arrived to Mount Hood a couple of minutes ago. The road trip was pretty fun. As we arrived to the cabins it began getting chilly. The weather in Oregon was much different than in Tulsa. It was all a matter of getting used to it. There were five cabins arranged in a half circle and ten of us. Darry and Honey took the outer left one. Soda and Sandy took the next one.

"I'll take the middle cabin. Who wants to share?" I asked as we stood outside. "I suppose Steve can share-" Darry began but was cut off by Pony. "I'll share with her!" he said. I gave him a sly smile. Dally and Johny shared the one after ours and Steve and Two-bit shared the last one. Each Cabin had two rooms. Sandy and Honey's cabins only have one room. We all walked in and took our things inside. Nothing much happened. We just all went to bed early since we've barley had enough sleep. Pony and I slept in different rooms. They were across each other in the hallway. And that's all we did.

Thursday, December 24, 1968...

I woke up later since I was the one that was making Christmas Eve dinner. Sandy and Soda's wedding was on saturday but we decided to spend chritsmas here. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked over and Ponyboy was shirtless. I turned to look away. He grabbed a glass of water and leaned on the doorframe. "Morning" He mumbled. "Good morning" I answered. He looked over. "It's eight in the morning why are you cooking already?" He asked.

"I volunteered to make dinner. And it's early but nothing I'm not used to" I said. "Okay well let me help you then." He said as he put on a shirt. He came around the table and helped me stuff the turkey. "Morning losers" Two-said as he walked in. "Good morning" I said as I rold my eyes. "Y'all are cooking?" He asked. "Yeah. We're making dinner for tonight" I said. "Looks like Ponyboy finally got some sleep" Dallas said as he too, walked in. "Why was he not getting enough sleep?" I asked. Johnny walked in. "Generally none of us got sleep because we were worried." He said as he walked towards me. He embraced me in a hug.

"How's my sister doin' huh?" He asked. "I'm doing just fine." I answered as I smiled. "Since y'all are making dinner, Darry is making breakfast" Dallas said. "Okay we'll be there after we make everything. I just need to make a couple of things before I cook." I said. They all left to eat breakfast but Pony. We were talking about things that happened to us in the past month. He asked me about what happened to me while I was gone. We simply ended up talking about everything and time passed.


Eventually it came time to get ready for dinner. We all got ready. Dinner was held at our cabbin. We all ate and talked about what we were thankful for in the year. Even though bad things happened, I was still thankful that I had a family. Sandy and Soda were the last ones to leave. I was almost done cleaning. When Ponyboy announced that he was leaving for bed.

I headed to my room and changed into my night gown. I felt stupid because I only brought that one. I looked over the clock and saw that it was one in the morning. I grabbed a bottle of wine and headed up to my room. I turned on the Tv and sat on the couch. Christmas time was always one of my favorites. My momma- well... my adoptive mom, would always go out on decorations. But ever since their death I never really had a reason to celebrate. I heard a knock coming form the door.

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