💌 Chapter 8: Disappointment 💌

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🌹 Rose's P.O.V 🌹

Saturday, August 6th, 1967...

I got out of my car and walked into a small place. "I'm here for the job." I said as I talked to the manager. He took a long stare at me, up and down. I began growing uncomfortable. "You're hired. You have to work from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am, making $10 per hour and you'll have to wear this." He said handing me some clothes. Holy shit, I'll make so much money to help Darry. I walked out and headed home.

"Hey Sandy." I said. I looked at the clock. "I'll be back in a while, I'm gonna drive around." I said. "Okay" She answered. I headed out  I had a coat with me. I drove to the Strip Club. When I walked in, all the girls were already dancing on the poles, some were already dragging men to their rooms. I'm only gonna be dancing. I'm a virgin and there is no way I'm gonna loose it to a horny old man.

Sunday, August 7th, 1967...

It was 5:00 am when my shift ended. I walked out of the dressing room. I was too tired to change out of my booty shorts and bra so I just put on my coat. The sun was barley starting to rise and the morning was hot, that's a normal day in Tulsa. I made it to my car and placed my head on the steering wheel. After 4 minutes of laying there I turned on the engine. I just hopped I could sneak home without sandy seeing me.

🌹 Pony's P.O.V 🌹

It was already 5:00 am. Sandy called us last night saying that Rose never came home. We all rushed to the house. After 3 hours of waiting, she never came home. We began worrying more and split up, looking at bucks, the dingo, the hospital, the lot, Soc territory, and some alleys. Nothing. At this point I can't help but think that she left. Maybe she regretted ever coming here. Maybe she did leave. I don't know. That's when we heard the front door open and looked up.

🌹 Rose's P.O.V 🌹

When I walked through the door, I was surprised by the whole gang in the living room. I knew I looked like a mess. My red lipstick was smeared, my mascara was smeared. They stared at me in shock, disappointment, pity. "Rose!" Pony said. I couldn't move from the embarrassment of them seeing me like this. Darry looked at me in horror. "What the hell!?" His voice thundered through the whole house. "What happened?" Pony asked in sympathy. "I'm working because I wanted to help Darry with the whole situation-" "So you decided to sell yourself to men like a whore, like a slut, like a prostitute!?" Darry questioned. "Darry!-" Pony mumbled. "No! You disappoint me, you disgust me Rose!" He yelled as he walked out of the house.

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