💌 Chapter 60: Surprises 💌

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🌹 Ponyboy's P.O.V 🌹

Monday, October 26, 1968...

I walked into the store and got some things and special food. I knew gifts can't repair the mistake I've done, but I've been doing some research and this seems to help so I'm trying it out. I headed to my house and parked the truck. I got out and walked to Rose's house.

🌹 Rose's P.O.V 🌹

I sat on the piano and took a deep breath. It's been a very long time since I've played. I'm starting to accept the fact that I'm possibly falling into a depression. I took a deep breath and played Balade Pour Adeline. This song is usually very smooth and happy. But I didn't feel like that. I started playing. The song sounding sad and empty. This song brought memories of my mother. She was the one that taught me this song. My mother and Mrs. Curtis would always play songs on the piano.

I didn't show any emotion as I played. My face was blank. Expressionless. The door opened but I  didn't care who it was. I was done with this world. It was Ponyboy and I was taken by surprise. I finished the song and just sat there. He was holding a yellow blanket. I knew it was for Eliza. "Eliza is in her room, she must've already woken up from her nap." I said. "I'll go get her if you like" I added as I stood up.

"Actually Rose, I came to see you." He said. I stopped dead in my tracks. "I can't live without you. I miss having you around. I miss my best friend Rose." He said. I looked at him. "If I'm being honest, I really thought I could survive being away from you. I thought it was gonna be easy." I said. "As the start of our friendship being restarted. And as a very late birthday gift. I got you something." He said.

He handed me the blanket and I slowly uncovered what it was. I saw a beautiful doggie. The dog stirred awake and licked my face. "Ponyboy! You really shouldn't have." I said. "This is the way I'm gonna start repaying you for what you've done for me. I know you've been feeling alone and I wanted to give you someone that will always be by your side. But not only have you gained a puppy, I'm also gonna be her for you now." He said. In that moment I smiled after a very long time. I hugged him and almost cried. "Whats his name?" I asked Pony. "Angel" he said. "Angel" I replied.

"I have one more surprise" he said. "Another one? Pony!" I said laughing. "I wanna take you somewhere I know you'll like" He said. I looked at him. "Get into comfy clothes, shower if you want. It's warm, and get some water" he said. I squinted my eyes. "Okay" I said walking away.

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