💌 Chapter 42: Labor 💌

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🌹 Rose's P.O.V 🌹

Monday, January 12, 1968...

"What are you doing here!?" I asked. They looked at me. "We- we saw her b-bleeding and wondered what happened" his dad said. "Do you know the immense danger you put not only your daughter but your granddaughter!? She could've had an miscarriage! And all because of what?" I said.

"Who are you?" Sandy's father said. "I'm Dr. Green in training I will be walking your daughter during labor" I said. "Can we see her?" They asked. "I don't think I would recommend. Please wait patiently out here" I said as I walked to get supplies.

As I walked into the room, I heard sandy groaning. "How far apart are they?" I asked. "Three minutes" soda said. "Her water is gonna break in any minute." I said. I began setting her up and she started complaining about the sheets being too wet. "Her water broke!" I said. A group of nurses came and helped me clean her up as she groaned. I examined her. She was four centimeters dialated. "We need to wait until you dialate at least six more centimeters dialated." I said. "How long will that take?" Soda asked. "We can't really tell how much it will take. It can take eight hours, a day, two days, there's no prediction in this case." I said. "Oh Jesus!" Sandy yelled. "Soda I need you to sign paper work" I Lied.

"Soda." I whispered once we were away from sandy. "Sandy's parents came, I don't know what you consider best for her. But you should go talk to them. I'm gonna have to see if sandy wants an epidural or if she wasn't a complete natural birth" I said. "I'll go talk to them"  Soda said. I had to leave to get the epidural and saw the gang. "How's she doin?" Darry asked. "She's in pain. She's dialated four centimeters, I don't know how long until she gives birth. But I'm gonna stay with her. Do you want to come?" I asked. "No I don't want to bother her. She's probably gonna be uncomfortable" he said. "I'll inform you" I said.

It's been two hours and Sandy has only dialated two damn centimeters. TWO. She was now six centimeters in and had four to go. Sandy's parents walked in and she cried. She was happy to know her baby was gonna have her grandparents. Everyone was stressed and tired. I wasn't even supposed to work today but I was still here. I was checking Sandy's vitals. "Do you want the epidural or are you doing natural birth?" I asked "natural all the way!" She said. I had her standing up and walking around the room to help deal with her contractions.

Tuesday, January 13th, 1968...
"It's time!" I yelled. Sandy was ten centimeters and she was in too much pain. Some nurses came and helped me. I positioned cleared the room to only her parents, Soda, and Darry. "Are you ready?" I asked as Sandy was grabbing onto Soda. "No I'm not! How am I gonna take care of this baby I'm not ready I-" I oppened my mouth to say something when Soda took over. "Baby, we're in this together. Okay, it's my baby too. We're both gonna care for it. And I'm alway gonna be here for you. But you have to do this. Just this and then we have the whole life for us to raise her and for me to walk her down the aisle and for you to coach her when she's in labor. And let me tell you. I'm ready for it. I'm ready to raise thei baby with you" He said and placed a kiss on her sweaty forehead.

"Ready?" I repeated. She looked at me and nodded. "At the country of three push. One... two... three. Push!" I said. She began pushing. "Again!" I said. She took a deep breath and pushed again.  I saw the head. "Again!" I repeated. I saw the shoulders and the waist. "I can't!" She cried in pain. "Baby, just this push and you're done. You got this!" Soda said. "Sandy looked at me and took a deep breath. "Push!" I said. And the baby was out.

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