💌 Chapter 2: Back Again 💌

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🌹 Rose's P.O.V 🌹

- Friday, August 5th, 1967...

* 2 Days Later *

It's now been two days since I've been on the road nonstop. When I finally came a cross the green, "Welcome To Tulsa Oklahoma" sign. My heart began racing, butterflies flew around in my stomach  I smiled, knowing I was going to see Ponyboy Curtis and his gang again. As I drove around, I came across the DX. I looked at my watch. It read 9:00 am. 2 years and things around still looked the same.

I made it to my house. Well what was left of it. I took the keys out, pressed them against the lock and hopped they would still unlock. To my surprise, the house was kept in well conditions. I walked around and up the stairs. There was my parents room, where o was going to be sleeping. I walked in and it was in good conditions. I walked out and onto the porch that was connected to the room. The warm morning summer breeze was strong against me. I was finally back home.

I had already brought everything inside. I took "Gone With the Wind" and headed out for a walk. It was only 2:00 pm. As I made my way to the park, memories flushed in like waves. Days where pony and I would hang out and walk, waiting for the sunset, talk about everything and anything. My house was next to theirs. "What if they forgot about me?" I asked myself. I sat on a bench and opened the book. I saw a figure approach me and take a seat next to me. "Gone With the Wind, huh?" A males voice asked. I recognized that voice.

PS. I Still Love YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora