💌 Chapter 43: Le Bébé 💌

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🌹 Rose's P.O.V 🌹

Tuesday, January 13th, 1968...

"Dad, come over here and cut the cord," I said signaling to Sodapop. Sandy sighed. She was finally out of pain. I'm sure she felt weak and numb. Soda came around and cut the cord. I handed the baby over to some nurses who went to weigh her.

"Alright, I need to tell you guys something. Legally the baby can't take the last name Curtis, unless Sandy signs papers." I said. "What, why?" Soda said. "You guys aren't married. If you were married, you are both in this. But there is no sign of marriage. So Sandy is gonna have to sign papers. I know it sounds stupid but that's how it gonna work today" I said handing her some paperwork. She signed and handed them back. "Alright I'll go see what the fuss is with the baby" I winked and smiled. "Thank you!" Both Sandy and Soda yelled.

I walked out and saw the gang. "What happened!?" Darry asked. "I'll be back just hold on." I said as I walked away. I walked into the nursery room where the have all the babies. "Doctor Green, I believe this is the baby you're looking for." One of the nurses said pointing at a baby. It felt weird being called 'Doctor' by people older than me. I walked to a crib and in fact, it was Eliza. I picked her up and smiled. "Mary, clock Eliza out for the night. She's gonna spend the night in her parents room. Don't worry I'll stay in there as well. Bring her bed later." I said.

She wrote it down and I walked out. "Well aren't you the cutest!?" I said smiling. I walked to the delivery waiting room to meet with the gang. "Guys" I said. As I approached them. "They all looked in awe. Pony got next to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Geez, you're acting like she's the one that popped the baby!" Two said rolling his eyes. I smiled. "I'm doing fine. I'm a bit tired. I haven't slept at all. But it was worth it" I said. They all wanted to cary her. "I have to carry her until we get to her room. She shouldn't even be out but the patient is my relative so I get the privilege." I smiled. We walked into the room. Sandy and soda were talking.

"Well say hello" I said as I caried the baby. Sandy and soda both got teared up. I handed Sandy the baby and stepped back. I began feeling light headed but someone caught me. "Hey are you okay?" It was Ponyboy. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just really sleep deprived. I haven't eaten anything" I said. Here let's grab a bite" he said. We both walked out after saying goodbye.

Friday, January 16th, 1968...

Sandy and Soda finally came home with the baby. The gang came over. Sandy handed me the baby while she layed on the couch for awhile. "Where's Ponyboy?" I asked. "He's out with Curly." "Oh," I sighed. "Why?" Steve asked cocking an eyebrow. "Just wondering." I said. "We know you like him" Dallas said. "I do not like Ponyboy!" I protested. "We never said who though" Johnny said in a smartass tone.

"Johnny! Since when did you get sassy?" I said laughing. "Since I almost died in a hospital bed bitch!" He said. "What!?" I questioned. "That's a story for later but tell us. How long have you liked horsey boy?" Two asked. "Ever since I had to leave with Susana. Being away from him for so long made me realize how much I truly love him." "So..?" Steve asked. "So what?" I asked back.

"When are you telling him?" Soda said. I sighed. "Ever since last year, on Valentine's Day, I decided I was gonna come back. And that day I decided to write him a love letter. Every day since then I've written him a love letter. When I moved here. I couldn't find them in my luggage. So the day I got here I started over again. But then Maria, the house maid, saw the and mailed them. I got them on Saturday two weeks ago. And I found the new ones and re-numbered them. On Valentine's Day this year. I'm slipping him a letter on the week of Valentine's Day in his locker. Those will be aside the other ones. I'll be telling him to meet me at the Windrixville church. He always said there was amazing view of the sunset.." I took a breath.

"Then, I'll tell him how I feel and I'll give him the letters. All three hundred and sixty-five of them." I smiled looking down as Eliza was stiring awake. "That's smart. I hope you don't back out. Pony is really gonna love it" sandy said as she took the baby. "One can only hope for the best!" I shrugged.

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