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New powers

Katalina's POV

Andre and I talked a bit near my car. He hugged me when Jess came up to us. He let go and walked away without looking at Jess. My guess is that he didn't want to look like something happened so he just didn't acknowledge her. I ended up reading his mind though and I heard him say 'Why would Jess ask me out?' 

Even though we had just been in front of her in her room practically showing all the mating signs it seemed to me that she just didn't care. I stood near the hood of my car waiting for Nivea. I ended up meeting her in the kitchen and we talked a bit about the whole situation with Jess and Warren and she felt the same way I did. 

Nivea then came waving towards us. She got in the passenger seat while Jess got in the back seat. After that, we debated on where we would eat and decided on the Café Quiza.

I didn't speak to Jess at all. 'I wondered why.' I heard Jess say in her mind. That's odd, I thought. Since when...

I then realized that my mind-reading powers had just kicked in. I was ecstatic. I didn't share that note with Jess though. 

We got to the café and ordered. I heard the thoughts of everyone there, it made me feel all kinds of different emotions. I tried my hardest to keep a straight face. I began my breathing techniques and emptied my mind. After a while of doing so the voices stopped and I could control the power a little better. I still heard voices but not as strong as before. I also didn't feel as many emotions.

Our food came and we finished up eating. Nivea tried making small talk but due to gaining my newfound power, I wasn't in the mood for idle chit chat. 

I finally felt like I could speak to her, "Andre is my mate. I would appreciate it a ton if my best friend would let him be and not ask him out on dates."

"I never asked him out!" She lied. I then heard her thoughts again. 'She couldn't possibly think that I would let her talk to me however she wants!'

I ignored it and said back "Then what did you do Jessica? You literally asked him if he would want to be your date for the pack party tomorrow night. If you didn't know the mating signs then let me refresh your memory. I can read his mind! What the fuck is wrong with you. And on top of that you lie to my face about it?"

"I'm sorry okay. I didn't know he was your mate. Forgive me bestie." She was lying to me. She even said it in her thoughts. She even wanted to fight me because I knew the truth. Did she always feel this way about me? I guess I'm not truly her bestie. I looked down at my watch then looked at her.

"Where do you want me to drop you off?"

"Wha-" she began to say but I quickly cut her off. I didn't have time for her fake shit at the moment.

"Where do you want me to drop you off?" I said in a snappy low tone.

"I'm going to school with you, I have a few books to pick up from the library." 'That was weird. She never snapped at me. Does she know something I don't? Nah.' She said in her mind.

Why yes my dear Jess, I do know something you don't and now I want nothing else to do with you. I then paid for my food and headed to my car. We all got in and I took my phone out to see a text from Catherine.

Catty: meet me at school, sorry I didn't make it to lunch puppy. Love u. xoxo :3

Me: I'm heading 2 schl rn see u there. xo :3 love u too warlock.

Catherine was a warlock. Along with her brother. They help out with different things around the school since they have a lot of money. She's also a close friend of mine.

I then started the drive to school. Clearing my mind I began to gain control of my newfound powers.

It was an hour drive so it was enough for me to look deep within and find out what new powers I had accumulated. I had gained all the powers of the full-blooded vampire in me, which included: slowing time down and reading the minds of others. Now all that was left was the power of the warlocks, trolls, fairies and pixies.

I put my body on automatic and drifted into my subconscious. This was the way I was able to control my magic. I had to be calm and dig deep within. It takes 2-6 months or even years to be able to fully control my powers. It also depends on how long I stay in my subconscious state and the age that I am.

For instance, I was 3 was when I started to gain a few of my powers. It took me roughly 4 years to get the hang of it due to my witch powers increasing every 3 months. It was hard but with mom and dad I got the hang of things. Now that they were gone I made sure that I could control my new powers in less time. So I focused an hour a day, every day, for 2 months and it helped.

Right now I'm just trying to keep my mind reading to a minimum. I want to be able to choose who I hear the thoughts of. After the hour passed, the sound of my car door being shut pulled me out of my subconscious. I turned the engine off, locked my car and headed off to look for Catherine Fost along with Nivea.

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