"Hmm, I mean I was kind of thinking that but then I was thinking whether or not it'd be cool to do one nobody's ever heard," Joe hummed in half agreement with his floppy-haired friend that was just a few feet away from him. The decision to choose the next song was always so hard considering each of them liked different ones more than others but they all liked each of their songs. It was a damn difficult decision to make because they also had to cater for their 'audience' and what they vibed  with. Indecision was their biggest weakness because they simply couldn't decide.

——— ••• ———

In NEW YORK (concrete jungle)

Elle Scott
I know the cast have heard already but band lot haven't!

Alex Jeong
Haven't heard what? I'm confusion

Evan Copper
Were you even meant to say anything yet Elle? Lol

Elle Scott
Well, Henry & Steve said it was okay to mention it but they're both in the group so should I wait till they do?

Julian Ballou
I think so, yuh

Stan Bates
Thank you for waiting you lot

Henry Davies
Thanks Elle for bringing it up, are all the band present?

Harrison Stiles
Is this what I think it is?

Aray Whyte
Yes, so hush hush Stiles

Harrison Stiles
Okay, my lips are sealed

Oak Rivers
present !

Zoié Ghim

Charlie Hugh
Yup, what's going on?

Joe Marrow
Can't help but feel kinda scared

Steven Miller
It's a good thing! 

Alex Jeong
Nah but on a real note, I'm apprehensive, it's not that I don't trust you all, I do, it's just unusual for us to be talking to some of the most well-known people in the biz

Henry Davies
That's understandable. Steven, take it away!

Steven Miller
The cast and crew wanted to properly be able to thank you for your help on the show a few months back, it was widely appreciated and you made our jobs 10x easier lol.

Stan Bates
You're gonna make them more nervous Steve, out with it haha

Steven Miller
Right, right so we're offering, if you'd want that, to film a music video for you...

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