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( Akshat's P.O.V )

I was aware of everything around me,
I was aware that everyone were hurting,
But I couldn't muster up enough strength to push myself forward & hold up all these shattered pieces together,

I was lost,
It felt like I'm just a shell of bones,
My days dragged away in college, classes whereas rest day talking endlessly with Guddan.

A sigh of defeat escaped my mouth as I took in my reflection in mirror,
Staring back at me was a college student completely broken and devastated,
I squeezed my eyes shut and hurried out the door for college,
Another day.!!

I felt a pang of guilt as I noticed Mom in kitchen with a lost look on her face,
Long lost was the sweet melody of devotional songs which she always used to sing while doing chores,

Even the environment inside whole house felt gloomy and taunting,.
My chest strained under an invisible strong force while my grip tightened around the bag forming a cresent shape redness in my palm.

I was almost near the car when I heard a pained voice , calling my name.

" Akshat " I turned back and saw Dad nearing me with long strides,.

He didn't spoke a word and engulfed me in a comforting embrace completely taking me off guard,

" You're never alone son, we all are with you and believe in that eternal force, nothing will happen to Guddan. She will be with us soon "

I barely controlled myself from bursting out in tears and broke free from his warm emrace with guilt and pained emotions swirling around my head.
Giving him a forced smile and a nod, i drove away towards the college.


I glared at the back of the head of moron in front of me,
Frustation and irritation increased inside me by passing minutes,
I just wanted to be with my guddan, i want to talk to her,

I rolled my eyes at the boring lecturer and diverted my attention back outside the window.

Just 2 more classes.!!

A sudden chill passed down my spine,
I froze in my seat and glanced at clock, few minutes were left for last class,
Restlessness took it's toll on me and I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat,

Sweat broke down my neck and forehead while my throat went dry,
An unrecognisable emotion filled my heart,
It was relief, sadness, pain, all bottled up as one,
I felt like something is tugging at my soul, as if an Inseperable part of someone beloved was calling me.

Suddenly the door of classroom swung open with loud thud and Rehaan stumbled inside huffing, out of breathe.
Professor began yelling at him for disrespecting and breaking in during lecture but his gaze wandered all around in search of someone.

As soon as Rehaan's sharp gaze met mine, my breathe hitched in anxiety,
My world spinned momentarily as I grasped the words that left his mouth.

" Akshat.....g-guddan she is a-awake "


( Guddan's P.O.V )

Too shiny.,
Too bright.,

I felt like I was floating,
There was nothing around me,
I extended my hands to grasp something but all I got was blankness,
I've to wake up,
I don't like this feeling of nothingness,

Panic flared in me as I desperately tried to reach any living sign around me,

My whole body felt like crushed under a heavy force, sounds began to overlap surrounding me in jumbled mess,.

I gasped for oxygen, a burning sensation ran down my throat choking me,
I tried to move my hands but all my attempts went futile.

My eyes burned due to shining lights,

Too Bright,

Helplessness overwhelmed me as I once again fell in the unfamiliar strange abyss around me.

I gasped for air while my eyes took in the surrounding,
Everything felt strange,
Something was tugging at my soul,
I tried to reach out for it, something was calling for me. Or rather someone.!

I willed up enough courage to open my eyes,
Muffled voices enveloped me,
Shouting, yelling echoed throughout around me, while blankness began to fade slowly,

Throbbing pain,

This was the first thing I felt as I gained my consciousness.
Everything hurts,
A sharp stabbing pain shot at the back of my head and I groaned in agony,

My ears perked at the strange and loud beeping sounds,
I pried opened my eyes and instantly shut them as sudden brightness blinded me momentarily, I squinted my eyes and opened them again slowly this time,

Hazy figures were hovering over me, I blinked rapidly to make my view clearer but all I got in return was loud annoying beeping and shoutings,

A stingy sensation flowed through my forearm as a pointed tip pierced my skin,
Calmness blanketed me while I opened my eyes and gazed at cielings in silence.


I was in a hospital, the loud beeping was sound of my own erratic heartbeat,
Hovering dazy figures scattered outside the door leaving me alone to my own misery.

An old woman neared me and took my hands in her own fragile wrinkled one,

" Took too long to wake, -

Too long.!!  What does she mean.!!

-That young man is going to be so happy, you know he always comes here,
And talks to you continuously - "

Before she could continue further, the door rattled and swung open with strong force.

I nearly cried out in joy upon sight of him.

He was standing there staring intensely at me with mixed emotions written all over his face,
It was then, i noticed black circles of sleeplessness under his swollen puffy eyes,
His beard was grown too yet he was looking breath-takingly handsome,

I was so lost in those pair of striking brown orbs that I didn't noticed old lady exiting the room leaving me alone in company of the only one for whom warmth I longed so desperately.


I reached out for him as he practically ran towards me grabbing my streched hands,

"Guddan, You are finally awake,
God I was so worried, these months were hell, please never leave me "

I wanted to ask him so many things but all my words stuck down in my scratchy throat,
Akshat leaned in my touch as a sob of sadness broke free from him,

I wanted to hold him, to comfort him, to tell him that I'll never leave him,

All I whispered out was the words that belonged at the tip of my tongue from too long.

" I love you "

Akshat froze and glanced at me stunned,
His breathe hitched as he slowly held my face in his hands,

" You don't know how long I've waited to hear this from you,

I love you too "

A smile passed across my lips while He leaned forward and kissed my forehead,
Despite our uncomfortable position, we both somehow fell in a love filled embrace of each other's arms.
His relieved breathe tickled my shoulder blades as I hugged him tightly assuringly,

I forgot everything of where I was,
In that moment, i felt complete,
I felt happy,
I felt safe,
I felt home,.

He was my home.!!

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now