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Knock.... Knock.....

I was floating over the angelic riverscape in my wonder dreamland,
when i heard an annoying knock far somewhere.
I willed myself to open my eyes but the peaceful journey of my dream was pulling me back under it's gentle shadows.
My lack of attention must have irritated the person on the other side of the door coz suddenly I heard loud banging from that side.

" Wake up Bro or I swear i will throw a bucket of ice water over your head, it's the 1st day of your final year & you are still in bed "

I jolted awake at the mention of 'college'. One glance at the clock and I knew I am going to be damn late.
I hurried out of my bed & threw open the door and came face to face with my brother Angad.
He is 1 year younger then me but doesn't act like one ,he goes to the same college as me but is one year junior.

" Hurry up get dressed, mom is preparing breakfast downstairs" Angad told me over his shoulder while going down towards the kitchen.

I hurried back to my room , got dressed in record time & decended down the stairs where mom & a fully dressed up Angad was waiting for me.

"About time Akshat " Mom scolded me in a stern but firm voice.

I pick up my bag & called goodbye to mom while kissing her cheek & went out the door.
Angad was already waiting for me in the car, I got settled in the driver seat & started driving towards the familiar path of the college.

Just one more year, then I will take over my family business, I thought while driving, well you see my Dad is the CEO of "JINDAL ENTERPRISES" & is one of the richest, powerful person of Indore. He wants me to be the next to handle the business, that's the reason I opted for business major for college.

We arrived in the college's parking lot just prior to 5 minutes in starting the 1st class. Angad went to his friends towards his class after giving me a nod.

I jogged to my class & got settled in my seat while Mr. Dutta started the lecture.
Well He was just revising the previous topics, I turned my attention outside the window & zoned out throughout the class .


I woke up with the sunlight blazing on my eyes through the window,
I peeked at the clock by tableside & it notified 7:00 am, enough time to get ready & get to the college in time.
I knocked on Aanya's door and reminded her about the class.  She made a sound in annoyance but nevertheless woke up.

After getting ready & a tour from Starbucks we reached our destination
& bid the goodbyes while parting our way.
Aanya studies theatre major while I am a English major student. I got settled in my seat and listened intently to the professor while he was describing Shakespeare's Sonnets.

Rest of the classes till break passes in a blur, Right now I am on my way to the cafeteria to meet Aanya, as I was walking minding my own business, I didn't noticed Ahana standing in front of me blocking my path.

" Well well well, isn't she the nerd guddan " Ahana said loudly in a mocking tone. Her minions laughed loudly at this & nodded their heads togethor like puppies.

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now