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( Akshat's P.O.V )

It was getting really difficult to restrain myself from tearing every single thing around me, apart.
It's been two days since the doctor dropped "coma" Bomb on us,
I stayed at hospital, I didn't want to leave Guddan's side,
I was a complete emotional mess at that moment. Seeing Guddan sleeping still & unmoving was heart shattering,
Each time I asked Doctors about her coming out of coma, i always got the same answer in return,

" We can just pray, No one knows exactly when she is going to wake up.
It may take few days, weeks, months or even years or she may not even wake up "

I was spending most of my time talking to Guddan, even though the chance of her replying back was almost negligible but my heart was in strong denial, it was constantly pushing me towards an invisible positive force with a new energy that nothing can happen to my Guddan, she will come back to me.

Those hours spent with guddan, me talking one sided about nothing important in particular with a small flame of hope that maybe she is listening to me & maybe that day is not far when she will wake up & come back to me, are priceless.

A small ping sound broke the moment followed by vibrating buzz,
I pulled out my cell & saw Officer Mishra calling me,

" Yes Officer.? " I answered the call & spoke with a trace of confusion in my voice.

" Akshat, i think you should come Police station, it's important "
I didn't failed to catch hesistant tone in his reply but decided to let it slide for now.

" Ok I'll be there in half an hour "

I turned towards Guddan, as my gaze fell on our interlocked hands,
I freed out my hands & focused on her still form,
My heart ached & begged for her attention, but she didn't even twitched in slight.
I kissed both her knuckles then her forehead and whispered softly,

" I'll be back soon,
Please wake up, i really miss you "


I was sitting in front of Officer Mishra for past 10 minutes waiting for him to tell me the reason of inviting me so urgently.

" Officer Mishra, Are you just going to gaze silently at that ceiling or are you planning on telling me something.? "

" Actually Akshat, i was waiting for the culprits to arrive, -"

" Culprits.!! "

" Those who kidnapped Guddan & shot her "

My blood went cold as a freezing sensation ran down my spine,
Who shot Guddan,
I was about to ask him further but a noise erupted behind me, upon turning towards the sound my eyes nearly buldged out of sockets,

No this can't be possible,
They can't do this, or could they.!?

" Ahaana, Rishabh " I barely whispered out their names as they both stood in front of me with cuffed hands and uncertainty clearly written all over their faces,

I noticed as Rishabh blinked twice and slowly his bored expression transformed into a sinister smirk,

" So how's that nerd doing.!! "
Rishabh taunted me while Ahaana snorted and turned away,

Anger overwhelmed me and I lunged forward knocking out the chair & grabbed Rishabh by his shirt's collar,
I felt officers pulling me back, tugging at my hands,
Blood flowed down my hands as I took in the satisfactory work I've done with Rishabh's face,
His face was hardly recognisable,
My punches worked well

Officer Mishra came from behind and stood in front of me,

" Calm down Akshat, you'll get yourself in trouble,
They both will get appropriate punishments for their deeds,
I'll call you later, after their confessions, right now go to Guddan, you are needed there. "

I tried to protest but a sharp look from him & I complied nevertheless.
I turned warningly towards Ahaana & Rishabh,

" I'll make your life a living hell, Note my words "

And with that I exited the police station,.
Tears flowed down my eyes, stormy flow of air mocked me, squeezing my shattered heart painfully.
I dragged my feet towards the place where lying was the love of my life fighting for her life.


4 Months Later.........

( Akshat's Father's P.O.V )

I slammed my fist at the top of the table as I watched Akshat driving away towards college , emotionless like a living yet hollow shell of flesh.
Who's to blame.!!

It's been 4 months since that terrible incident & Guddan hasn't even stirred once.
I never felt this much helpless ever in my life before, watching my son completely devastated and upset was unbearable.
There was less time left for him to complete college & take over as CEO of Jindal Enterprises but right now everything seemed like far destination.
Nothing was alright,

I sighed and turned away from the window as Akshat's car disappeared from my line of sight,
He continued his classes but only for our sake, it was as if he has completely became Invisible,
The only time he seem to find somewhat grain of peace was the time spent in hospital talking to Guddan, one-sided.
I tried everything I could, lined-up the best doctors out there but all my attempts went in vain,
No one knows when Guddan is going to wake up,
The only thing I can do know is to watch my son fading away slowly, helpless.

I watched silently as Akshat went college in a faze, came back in same state,
He was there yet absent at the same time,

I watched silently sitting in front of him as he twirled the fork in a circle lost in thoughts,

I watched him silently as he reached the same place to his lover, unaware of everything around him.

I watched him silently as he sat down near Guddan and conversed with her for hours, hands interlocked.

I watched him silently as he got overwhelmed with unbearable flow of sadness & stumbled outside the hospital in an abandoned deserted alley.

I watched him silently as he slided down against the wall and cried for everything happening around him .

I watched him silently as he sobbed uncontrollably remembering that eternal miraculous force to sparkle some miracle upon his lover.

I watched in utter silently as again a small part of my son faded away in front of my eyes & I couldn't do anything.

I never felt this much helpless ever in my entire life before.

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now