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( Guddan's P.O.V )

Only 10 minutes have passed since I reached here and I'm highly regretting my decision to come to this frat party,
I groaned and rubbed my temple in an futile attempt to reduce this throbbing pain.
Aanya continuously sulked throughout the way here but to my much intense shock, she mingled with our fellowers here more quickly than me.
She was wandering all around as if she has owned this place and here I'm sitting all alone at the corner chair just polling in my mind who is drunk and who's sober.

A boy from the dance floor,whom I failed to recognize was regularly stealing glances in my direction increasing my anxiety level furthur more.
My heart rate sky rocketed as I saw him advancing towards me,

I panickly searched for Aanya but failed miserably, suddenly a group passed in front of me and I got enough time to use this distraction as an escape.
Without wasting time I made a beeline towards the door only to stumble on a bottle and loosing my balance.

I felt someone holding my waist in order to steady me but gravity did it's work and I fell on my back with that person on top of me.

For few minutes I kept my eyes shut to compose myself,
Once I made sure I was in a sober state I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with the person for whom fall I was responsible.
Akshat Jindal

Just a look at his face and all the memories which till now were hiding somewhere deep inside my heart came to the surface,
Those brown twinkling eyes which captivates me each time I look at them,
That sculpted sharp jaw and high cheekbones which seems to taunt me to run my hand over them every time I'm near him,
That messy racoon of hair which increases the temptation to run a hand across them and lose myself in him.

Akshat neither got off of me nor he released his hold from my hands,
The words that came out of his mouth flipped my world upside down,

" Why did you leave me Guddan, You Knew I feel for you, yet you broke me "
I never felt so helpless and desperate in my whole life as I felt in that moment,

I left him.!!!

" You broke my heart Akshat, I thought I can trust you, But I was wrong .
I really hate you for what you did "
My anger won this time, I spoke what was buried inside my heart.

" I think the feeling is mutual Guddan, I too hate you "
And with that He got off of me and went inside without even glancing at me.

When I came out from the dazed state, embarrassment creeped upon me as I noticed everyone around me were watching us.
I got up from the ground and proceeded towards the door but a voice forced me froze in my spot.

I turned without changing position and saw Ahaana holding Akshat's hand, they were standing on the top of the dance floor and Ahaana was holding a Mic.

" A big cheers from my side in the name of my reunion with my baby, " A chorus of hooting echoed through the area and I squeezed my eyes to stop the tears,
" I want to tell y'all something,
I and Akshat were a thing before this year but a bad omen, " This time Ahaana's gaze was fixed on me as she said bad omen, I kept my expression neutral while she continued.
" So cuz of a bad omen, we faced slight up and downs but now as y'all can see we are back and we thought about continuing what we were before, isn't it Akshat.? "
I noticed Akshat giving her a smile that was clearly forced but that was enough to break my already broken heart into small chunks.

" I've some clips of our happy moments together and I want to share that with you guyss "
She was doing it purposely,
Someone grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the dance floor.
Once I reached near the so called new couple Aanya released my hand and stood silently beside me.

" Why did you dragged me here Aanya "

" You will see "

I was about to prompt furthur but the video on screen caught my attention,
For a moment my heart skipped and I thought about turning back and ran as fast as my feet could allow me from here,
I didn't wanted to see Ahaana-Akshat together, I can't bear mere thought of that,
But once I heard the voices of the playing video, my steps halted and I forgot to even breathe for a moment.

The video was recorded by someone and it was of Ahaana & Rishabh who were talking about some plan.
They both were laughing hysterically and repeating a single line,

" That was so much fun to break Those two apart,
Did you saw Akshat's face when he found out 'His girl' in arms of another boy " This was Ahaana's voice and she was mimicking someone's expression while Rishabh laughed at this.

" Yeah, he thought Guddan cheated on him, Fool. He don't even know that Guddan treats Aaditya as big brother, "

" Can you speak slowly, if someone by any chance hear us, our plan will fail "

" Oh sorry sorry,
But I can't control my happiness.
That expression on Guddan's face when she saw Akshat with you in that empty class, that was priceless. "

" Ikr, how could i've let that happen, Akshat & Guddan. No way, now I broke them apart,
I'll make Akshat mine, no one can come in my way. "

My whole body trembled in anger as I heard Ahaana herself Confessing about creating misunderstanding between Akshat and me.
It means Akshat wasn't Doing anything with Ahaana that day,
He thinks I cheated on him with Aaditya whom I treat as my brother.
How can Akshat think so low about me.
But you too did the same thing Guddan,

I was unable to decide, what to do next,
I glanced at Akshat and he was turned to me,
He was frozen at his spot too with wide eyes and mouth agape,
A roller coster of emotions passed across his face and a tear escaped his eyes.

I snapped back to myself and did the only thing which I was dying to do since I arrived here,

I ran,
I ran away from that party,
I ran away from Akshat.!  Yet again.!!
I ran as fast as my feet allowed me.
But I was not alone this time,

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now