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( Akshat's P.O.V )

Be calm.!! Be calm.!
Don't loose your patience.

I was repeating this Mantra during whole class till break.
All the sadness, devastation converted into a fuming anger inside me.
Even my stiff body posture didn't went unnoticed by my fellow students.
No one approached me, maybe out of fear or strangeness or their instincts may have warned them to stay away from me.

I didn't came across Guddan or that boy till now and to be honest nor I want to encounter them.

I made my way towards the cafeteria with uneven breathing and clenched jaw with fisted hand.
Each and every pore of my body radiated anger while my eyes reflected hatred.
I got settled at the last table in the furthermost corner of cafeteria.
My mind & heart was in a chaotic mess,
At one hand I didn't wanted to even see Guddan's face but my heart was still refusing from all this.
It demanded answers,
I barely controlled myself from finding her and to drag her alone somewhere and ask her why she did this to me.
What have I done to her.

No Akshat, Don't go there.
Forget her,
She lied to you. Move on.!!

Easier said then done.!!
The door of cafeteria opened revealing the person whom I wanted to forget about standing there.
Guddan didn't saw me and she continued her way towards the table just opposite to me.
My eyes were fixed only on her that I didn't noticed someone else catching up to her from behind and grabbing her hand.

I gripped the table tightly to control myself,
The boy from morning muttered something to Guddan and she freakin laughed.

They both sat at the same table and began chatting ignoring all the stares and other people around.

My knuckles turned white and I loosened my hold on table.
Rehaan along with some other boys got settled down surrounding me.
I was about to protest but Rehaan beat me to it.

" Why are you sitting here all alone, brooding " He spoke with humor laced tone chuckling but composed himself when I shot him a sharp look.

" What happened "

" Mind your own damn business and leave me alone "

He foolishly opened his mouth to reply me back but a loud sound of laughter boomed across the hall,
My gaze snapped to the table where Guddan was sitting with that boy.
And they both were laughing hysterically unaware of the stares they were recieving.

My vision turned red and my heart felt like it will explode any moment.
I was just a moment away to leap from my seat and rip that boy's head off of his body, but Rehaan placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me to him.

" Have you lost your mind somewhere, what were you about to do, you looked like you want to shoot someone "

Damn yes, I want to shoot someone.

" Nothing, just leave me alone"
, I pried free from him & turned in Guddan's direction,
As if on cue she turned to me and stared directly through my eyes penetrating my soul.
Her features morphed into a strange expression mimicking mine.

The whole cafeteria faded around me, only I and Guddan were present in that moment staring at each other unblinking,
No one was ready to accept defeat,
No one dettered even in a slight,
Both were hurting from inside while faking strength on outside.

I tore my gaze away first,
It was enough, my heart can't take anymore.

Why does it hurt so much,
Why does she affect me like this
Why do I still care so much about her.
Why why.!!!

My mind was swirling with only whys,
A wave of sadness flowed over me taking me under it's shadow choking me.
My heart constricted painfully,
My breathing got laboured, I felt like being crushed under this pressure.

That was the last straw,
I stood up at an inhumanly fast pace and went outside the door slamming & kicking chairs in my way.

I don't know where I was going, the only thing I could think was that i've to go, or I'll break just like my heart.


( Aanya's P.O.V )

Something is very wrong,
Very very wrong.
I can feel it through the pores of my body, all over above me, surrounding me, buzzing in the air.

I think I'm exaggerating.!!

Something is not right, and I felt it by just a single look on my love-birds faces.
Guddan and Akshat are not even looking in each other's direction.
What have they done now.

I was continuously looking back and forth between them and the tension was clearly evident.
Out of nowhere Akshat just disppeared out the door as if someone was chasing him,
And Guddan is fisting - unfisting her hand out in frustation.

I glanced in Rehaan's direction and he was already looking at me,
I signalled him to meet me outside and he nodded in approval.

I swiftly went outside and Dragged Rehaan to the opposite side of cafeteria.

" What the hell was that.? "

Rehaan stared at me comically as if i've grown three heads, I rolled my eyes at him and he replied my question.

" What are you talking about.? "

Rehaan seriously.!!!!

" Our lovebirds, What happened between them. "

" Umm I don't know what are you saying, but listen we have a bigger serious problem in our hand "

" What's that " I asked him skeptically.

" Something has happened between Akshat guddan, they were not even glancing in each other's direction,
My #Akshan ship is sinking"

Is this boy for real.!!!!
I stared at him from up and down and finally gave him a warning look.

" I'm smelling something suspicious here, someone is planning against our love birds "

Rehaan nodded at me and was about to say something when a creaking sound of wood reached us,
We both turned towards the sound and found Akshat kicking the bench continuously like a madman while muttering something in utter anger,

I turned to Rehaan slowly while he did the same,
We both shook our heads simultaneously and uttered same thing at same time,

" Trouble in paradise "

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now