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( Guddan's P.O.V )

I was in an amazingly happy mood since this morning, a permanent smile was etched on my face.
It felt like a weight has been lifted from my head after last night's incident.
I dreamily got lost in the memory of the promise Akshat made to me, regarding us.
If he trusts me this much, believe in us, then I too can reciprocate his affection without any fear.
We both promised each other, we will stuck togethor no matter how worse the situation is, and this time I'm going to keep my promise at any cost.

Lost in thought I reached the college gate and sighed in exhaustion.
My body was forcing me to turn around and go back home just to lose myself in the imaginative world of sleep.
But my heart was contradicting everything, it just was longing for a sight of a special person who have claimed my heart.

I didn't even fully stepped inside the campus as my eyes as if under someone else's control began wandering all around in search of Akshat.

I chuckled under my breathe at my own stupidity and made my way towards the locker.

My whole body went rigid as a wave of scorching anger coursed through me, when my eyes landed on the very person whom I least expected standing there staring at me .
I turned my gaze away from Ahaana in order to calm down the rising anger inside me.
She stared at me with an unreadable expression, neither regret nor shame was visible on her face for her own doing.
I shook my head slowly and went to my locker to retrieve the books.

My heart felt Akshat's presence before he came near me and hugged me from behind, putting his chin on my shoulder.
I barely controlled my laughter at the tickling sensation which emerged as Akshat playfully nudged his nose to my neck.

" Waiting for me " He asked after a while without changing the current position we were in.

" No, What gave you that idea " I lied through my teeth.
On inside I was glad for Akshat's presence here, I felt safe in his embrace,
And I felt loved in this closeness of his to me.

He chuckled huskily and snaked both his arms around my body forcing me turn towards him.
I caught his stare and held it before we both fell in a trance forgetting about everything around us.
We both snapped out of our staring state when a stomping sound of heels passed near us.
I turned my head and saw a fuming Ahaana walking away from the area grumpily.

I failed miserably in controlling my laughter and Akshat too joined me few moments later.

My breathe hitched as I heard Akshat sucking a deep breathe and gazing intensely at me. He slowly leaned forward and dropped feathery soft kisses down my neck,

" You look way more beautiful with that pretty smile," Akshat murmured against my skin and I shivered against his hold.
His breathe tickled my shoulder blades while a buzz shot through my spine.
My own breathing became ragged while he began breathing unevenly.

We were tangled messily in an invisible soft sensational flow of love, no one said a word but both of us understood the hidden feeling of our silent words.
My mouth parted in surprised gasp as his teeth grasped my bottom lip and he smiled mischievously.

I traced the pattern slowly down his chest making him freeze still.
Taking the advantage of this momentarily distraction, I pushed him gently against the wall and replaced the distance between us with perfectly aligned bodies.
This time it was me who smiled mischievously while biting the corner of his mouth softly.

I turned my focus back on Akshat's face and he gave me a seductive smile,
We both heard the bell went off but no one made first move to detangle from each other,
After realizing the final intention, we both burst out laughing while Akshat grabbed my hand and dragged me to the classroom down the hall.

My mood dampened slightly as I took notice of my surrounding, it was the same class where Akshat & Ahaana were that day, All those bad memories overwhelmed my mind,
It was then when I noticed Akshat standing in front of me with his hands either side of my face.

" I know what you are thinking and I want you to forget about that day. Just live in this moment, we are together. "

I nodded and leaned against him closing my eyes while Akshat put his chin at the crown of my head.
A woodsy pine scent hit my nose forcing me to sniff again in that pleasant smell,
Without opening my eyes I nudged my nose instinctively against the woodsy smell and sniffed the cologne.
A deep but soft vibration rumbled beneath my hand & I snapped back to reality,
My eyes shot open and the first I noticed was  my nose stuck against the collar of Akshat's shirt,
I composed myself and hid my face against the crook of his neck embarrassed.

Did I just sniffed Akshat's Shirt.!!!
Have I really gone bat shit crazy.!!

I peeked through my eyelashes only to find Akshat staring down at me with something familiar but unrecognisable at that moment twinkling in his brown orbs.

He slowly leaned towards me and kissed my forehead lovingly,
My fictional imaginary twin cooed at us and lost in the dreams of fantasy world.
His lips lingered much longer there increasing the level of adrenaline through me.
I clenched the front of his shirt in my fists and forced him to break the trance only to reconnect the other way around.
My lips slided against his and we both fell in a rythmic movement between uneven breathing and fast pace of beating heart.
I hold him by the nape of his neck and tugged seductively at his upper lip,
His cold hand glided against the warm skin of my waist and I shuddered in delight.
With hands holding captive each other, our tongue wrestled for dominance.

Akshat pulled back from scorching kiss first, me following completely out of breathe,
His cheek was touching mine as he inhaled deeply.

" Woah, No PDA please "
I jumped in surprise and parted away from Akshat, upon glancing towards the door I saw Aanya and Rehaan standing there with their faces turned opposite to us.
Akshat swore slowly and spoke in irritation laced voice.

"You can turn around, you know "

It was Rehaan who replied,  " Are you both done sucking each other's face or need some more time.? "
Though Rehaan's voice was of joking but it was enough for me to turn crimson red.
Aanya turned slowly, clearing her throat and winked at me making me more uncomfortable then I already was.

" Actually we were searching for you guys,
You both just disappeared out of thin air,
Are you both even aware that 1st lecture has already been finished "
I stared at her in shock,
1 hour.!!!!!!!

"Are you both planning on bunking 2nd class too or are you coming.? "

I moved forward and nodded my head avoiding Rehaan & Aanya's stares purposely.
" Yeah we are coming "

" Um yeah, you guys lead the way " Akshat too came up to me and took my hand in his while we all made our ways towards the class.

I reached the hall and glanced at Akshat who made no move to release my hand,

" Hello lovebirds, back to earth "
Rehaan's voice followed by a mocking chuckle broke our dazed stare.
Akshat shot him an annoyed look and released my hand,
He dropped a soft and possessive kiss at my forhead and spoke in a soft voice.

" See you in break, wait for me,Bye "

I smiled and squeezed his hand assuringly while he walked away towards his class.
I sighed and my smile dropped down as I saw his retreating figure completely disappeared inside the classroom.

See you soon Akshat, Goodbye.

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now