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( Guddan's P.O.V )

I tried to control the jumping nerves inside me while casting small glances at Akshat's Parents,
From the moment I met them, i didn't felt like I'm in the company of the richest person of indore, the CEO of Jindal Enterprises.

I nearly laughed at my own stupidity,
I thought Akshat's parents would be busy people and will not probably notice me even, But after all this love and attention a small part of me really envy Akshat,

He possess everything, the perfect and richest family of Indore, He will be the CEO of Jindal Enterprises by this time few months later.
Why would he continue this relationship with a girl like me who even don't have a family.
A wave of insecurity passed throughout my body painfully and I choked on the chunk of food grabbing everyone's attention towards me,
Akshat held my hand in his while his Mother rubbed my back,

I glanced at their faces and could only comprehend concern and worry,

Concern for whom.?
For me.!!!  Why, I am no one.

Worry for who.? 
I am just a simple girl with no special qualities whatsoever.

Why would Akshat like me.?
Who am I to him.?
Is he playing with me.?
Is his family a part of this game.?

I have to get out of here,
This is all a delusion,

I stood up suddenly and backed away few steps from the family leaving them in a shocked state in front of me.
My heart scolded me for behaving rudely, I wanted to apologize and continue the moment that got interrupted by me.
But the stubborn part of my mind refused to believe in anything.

My brain just signalled me continuously that this is an illusion,
I have to get out of here,
How could I be so reckless,.
How could I let my wall down,

The panic inside me flared intensly making me more restless by passing minute.
I continued to back away slowly towards the door,
away from Akshat, who made me believe that he likes me,
Away from His family who made me believe in an illusion of a perfect family.

I somewhat controlled myself and focused on Akshat's face,
He looked devastated and broken.
My heart cried out for him,
A part of me wished desperately for the moment of happiness before my insecurity crept on me to return back,

" I'm sorry but I think I should go now, it was a pleasure meeting you all, thank you for having me "

I avoided Akshat's stare purposely, if I looked at him, I'll lose the remaining ounce of control.

I swiftly turned around and made a beeline towards the front door never once I looked back.

I didn't stopped even when I stepped outside Akshat's house.

I don't remember how long I walked, I was in a daze,
When I came back to reality, I found myself surrounded by the hollow darkness of a painfully alone night at the top of the hilly area of Indore,

A blanket of darkness was around me, Even the moon was hidden in clouds mocking me of my lonliness,

I dropped my gaze and noticed the deep valley below the top of hill where I was standing,
I slided down on the rock and dropped my chin on the top of my knees,

The first drop of tear rolled down my cheek breaking all the bounded feelings inside my heart,
Neither my heart nor my mind can hold more,
I broke down in a continuous flow of tears, my vision got blurry in the silence of this dark night,

I hugged myself tightly as if to provide some comfort,
Not a single nocturnal creature was even making any sound,

I just sat there all alone, as a mess of uncontrollable hiccups and tears,

I cried for myself,
I cried for the moments spent with Akshat,
I cried for the bliss of memories with his perfect family,
I cried for not being a perfect girl for Akshat,
I cried in longing for my family,
I cried for my parents,
I cried in the dark abyss of howling night for everything.

Soft and light raindrops drizzled down my face mixing with the evidence of my breakdown, my tears,

Seems like I'm not so alone after all.
The whole sky cried with me at the top of this hilly area.


Guddan's Insecurities led her to this alone dark night, away from Akshat.

What do you think, Akshat will do.?

Are their unspoken feelings strong enough to make them realise, they both need each other.

What are your views on #Akshan after this heart wrecking seperation between Akshat - Guddan.

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