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( Guddan's P.O.V )

I was returning to the class after break with Aanya when someone tapped on my shoulder,
I turned around and saw a group of boys following us,
The one who stopped me shoved a piece of pamplet looking paper in my hands,
I stared at him in confusion.

" We are organising a party at frat house tonight, And are inviting you guys, "

At normal days or times my answer would have been a straight No but today was different,
I wanted a distraction, and there's no good way to divert my mind from all this mess than a frat party,
Aanya who was silent till now took the paper from my hand and offered it back to the boy,

" Sorry but no one is interested in that party, you guys can go now "

No, I want this.

I took the paper back from boy's hand and smiled at him,

" I'll come, thanks for inviting. See ya later "

He smiled and winked at me and the group disppeared through the hallway.
When they were out of sight Aanya gripped my upper arm and stood in front of me.

" Have you sold your brain to someone, that's a frat party in which you agreed to go "

" I know " I replied back her non chalantly and proceeded towards the class,

" Guddan, Has something happened to you, you never went in a frat party before and all of a sudden you are contemplating about tonight's party "

I stopped and turned towards her,

" Not contemplating but damn sure that I'm going. I want a change from all this messed up drama ,and I'm sure as hell up for a fun night."
And with that I left her shocked in the hallway and went to my class.

I was feeling bad for talking like that to Aanya, but at this stage my heart was enough broken to care anything about anyone.


( Aanya's P.O.V )

This can't be my Guddan,
Coz the girl I know will never talk to me like this,
And above all she agreed for tonight,
For a fuckin crazy frat party,

I lost all my interest for next lecture and went opposite direction of my class, outside and sat down on the bench.

I was pretty much confident that there is some misunderstanding which led to this destruction in Akshat-Guddan's relationship, but what.??

No one is revealing anything,
No one is stepping forward to talk first,
Both are acting like stubborn asses.

" Woah.!  I never thought you as a student who bunks classes "
My gaze snapped to Rehaan and i barely controlled myself from rolling eyes.

" Shooo.!!  Go away Rehaan "
He came near and sat beside me,.
I think I said to go away,

" What's the Matter.? You look upset "

" I am Rehaan I am, Guddan is acting weirdly,
Firstly she agreed going to the frat party tonight and when I asked her she snapped back at me. "

Rehaan sighed quitely while his features morphed into seriousness,

" Akshat is also going to that party "

" Wait what.!!!  He is also going "

" That's what I said "

" I am afraid to even imagine what will happen when they cross each other "

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now