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* all the chapters will be from guddan's point of view unless mentioned other's name.

I literally face-palmed myself and glanced around to see if we are being witnessed. And my eyes widened to the size of a soccer when I saw we are surrounded by a sea of customers, some are recording the whole thing in their phones while some have bored expression on their faces.

So in short what happened is that, after that little chat between Akshat and me, Aanya blackmailed me to company her in shopping, and here I am standing beside the counter just watching Aanya and the saleswoman bickering continuously back and forth for the past half hour. A slight misunderstanding between these two ladies for a dress, is the cause of all this chaos, and now I've enough of this.

I covered Aanya's mouth with my hand, muttered a small sorry to the other woman and dragged her backwards towards the front door. I heard few people chuckling under their breathe, some just snorted at my expense,
So they are finding this whole thing amusing,

"What the actual heck Guddan, why did you dragged me outside, I was giving that bitch a piece of her mind " Aanya shouted at me once we got outside.

" Apparently the only one who need a piece of mind is you here Aanya not that woman " I shot back at her angrily.

" Wow.! So much of a support, why don't you just mind your own damn business and leave mine. In fact go away, I don't need you to tell me what to do and what not.
Ouch.! That hurts,

I just stood there shocked and speechless with mouth agape as the back of my eyes start to burn with unshed tears. I blinked rapidly and averted my gaze from her,

" Thanks Aanya for telling me, I'll keep that in mind from now on ".
I said in a small voice without making eye-contact and turned on my heels to get out of here.
But Aanya gripped my forearm and turned me towards herself.
Guilt and sadness was clearly evident on her face.

" I-I am s-sorry G, I d-didn't meant it l-like that " A single tear rolled down her cheek as she shot forward and hugged me making me loose my balance lightly.
" I am so sorry I am such a fool, please don't be mad at me, I really love you, you know that right.? "

I sighed against her and embraced her back.

" I understand, but don't ever say again like this, I don't want to be apart from my only friend." I replied back her to lighten the mood.

" Movie night tonight.? It's been so long Guddan, please say yes " Aanya gave me a cute look which I really can't resist.

" Ok, but we have class tomorrow, no too much late ". She agreed reluctantly and we both made our way towards home for a movie night.


" YOU DID WHATTTT.? " I yelled at the top of my lungs, and i'm pretty much sure, whole neighborhood must have heard me.

" Will you calm down for heaven's sake, and sit down "

Calm down.!!!!!!! Like hell i'll calm down, just so you know what Aanya has done this time.
So as we both agreed for a movie night, I thought it would be casual and fun.
But the whole idea of fun seems utterly ridiculously since Aanya told me that she has invited REHAAN & AKSHAT for a small party at our house.
Ok I was fine till then, but my mind got full blown and I went in an active volcanic mode when Akshat texted back agreeing to the invitation.

You need more spice, yeah.! There is one thing more.
This whole inviting / accepting thing happened by my phone, in short
Akshat thinks that i've invited him for a movie night.

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now