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( Akshat's P.O.V )

Can't I just disappear out of thin air,
Or I can actually go somewhere then I'll return back tomorrow.

No, What about Guddan, i've already told her,

Why am I nervous, I always wanted for Guddan to meet my Family, and when it's finally happening I'm nervous as hell.

" Hey Big Bro, All set.?  When is Guddan coming "
I craned my neck towards the door and shot an angry look to Angad which he returned back as his smirk.

This all fiasco is created by him.
Well what happened is that, I had a well set plan for tonight with Guddan, Aanya and Rehaan. But all my plans went in blackhole when my not so small brother Angad accidently peeked at my phone the same time Guddan messaged me about meeting time.
For a spicy outcome, He told Mom & Dad about her,
And what then, just like typical Indian Mother, my mom literally threatened me to ask Guddan to meet my family.

After about nearly half an hour I gathered enough courage to actually send Guddan a text asking her to come to my house,
Much to my utter and intense surprise she agreed.!!!!!!!!

And when all thing is set, I'm standing here in the middle of my room just imagining all the negative scenarios that has possiblity to happen tonight.

" Back to Earth Brother, Mom is calling you " Angad snapped his fingers in front of me and laughed mischievously,
I swatted his hand away and gave him a warning look silently conveying this isn't over yet.


" Are you just going to gaze at me or will you tell me how does she look like, "

I huffed in irritation and plopped down on the kitchen counter.

" Mom for the hundreth time, She will be here shortly, you'll see how she looks like "

" Ok ok, But at least tell me what does she like so that I can order her favourites "

" Uh- oh, actually i-i don't know, I never asked her " What a fool I am, I never asked Guddan about her favorite food items. Mom's eyes snapped to me and she stared at me in shock,

" You know you don't look like an idiot but apparently you are, I think I'll manage the menu,
By the way, is she coming alone or with her family.?  "

" I think alone, I've never met any family member of her. "

We were conversing on random topics when Dad entered The kitchen,
Mom and I turned towards him breaking our talk,
That's a thing about my Dad, he always carries a powerful aura around him,
Everyone says I look exactly as him,
But in honest sense, i can never equal Dad, He is wholly perfect while I've my flaws & Demons to fight ,
Dad smiled softly at me while patting the back of my head lovingly and snaked his arms around Mom's shoulder.

I smiled a small smile at the sight of my Mom-Dad togethor,
I tore my gaze from them and glanced at the wall clock which denoted 7 PM.
I guess she will arrive anytime.

After a while, Doorbell went off announcing someone's arrival,
My heart picked up it's race & began beating violently out in anticipation.

I arrived in the living room at exact moment of Guddan's entrance in my house.
Just at mere sight of her my heart skipped & my jaw literally hit the floor,
She was looking stunning in her ankle length blue dress and hair forming a curtain around her heart shaped face,

I was so lost in the innocent angelic beauty in front of me that I didn't noticed Angad appearing by my side.
He wiped a piece of cloth against my mouth snapping me out of my dazed state,
I turned towards him frustated while he just laughed,

" If you have done openly drooling at our guest then can we invite her in "

My attention went back to Guddan & I saw her standing at the same spot since she has arrived, I've officially lost my mind.
I walked to her and took her hand in mine, having her close to me filled a pleasurable jolt of sensation inside me and calmed down my nervousness.

" Mom - Dad this is Guddan, My uhh-umm "  I flushed red and stuttered out the words barely audible,
" Umm My Girlfriend "
Mom glanced at us with adoration filled eyes,
Dad gave me a knowing look with a soft smile while Angad smirked at me.
I cleared my throat and turned to Guddan,

" Guddan, My mom and Dad and this is my younger brother Angad "
She politely shook Dad's hand and proceeded to do same with Mom but got pulled in a motherly hug instead,
I noticed a pained expression flashed across Guddan's eyes but vanished quickly,
I guess I'll ask her later.


I was standing against kitchen counter sipping my drink when Angad approached me,

Since the time Guddan has arrived here, she was surrounded by either mom dad or Angad,
I was becoming slight uncomfortable, I wanted to spend some alone time with her,
I was happy from inside because My family seemed to like Guddan too,
And she was also comfortable with them,

We talked for almost 2 hours and every now & then Dad would give me a look in appraise or a small nod,
Mom was in utter glee as she rambled my childhood stories in front of Guddan totally unaware of my embarrassment 

Angad leaned against the counter and stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face.
I grew anxious and focused on him.

" What, why are you staring at me like this "

" Guddan is a nice girl " Angad spoke in a small voice after few moments of silence.

" Yes " I smiled involuntarily.

" She is beautiful too "

" Yes "

" She is incredibly smart "

" Yes "

" I like her "

" Yes....... Wait.!  Wtf* " I nearly shouted at him.

" Calm down Brother, I don't like her the way you do, i mean I like her in casual normal way, "

I sighed and took a sip from my drink.

" So she is good enough to be my girlfriend " I joked playfully in order to lighten the mood.

At this Angad's whole posture hardened as his face grew serious increasing my anxiety at a whole new level.

" No, she is not good enough to be your girlfriend,
Instead, she is good enough to be my sister-in- law. "

I choked on my drink while my heart nearly flipped twice.
Angad burst out laughing and retreated back towards the living room while shaking his head muttering,

" Oh Brother I so am shipping #Akshan now "

I composed myself and went outside,
We all sat around the dining table,
Guddan settled down to my right giving me a shy smile and dropped her gaze to her lap.
It was not enough, I wished to just open a portal to some other world and disapper with my Guddan,
Just I and Guddan.

We all began to eat in silence,
I smiled momentarily while watching around the table,
It was a perfect moment,.
A perfect family meet with my girl.

I think I spoke too soon.


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