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I feel like i am drowning, the memories and helpnessness on Guddan's face, the sickening smirks on those bastard's face are choking me, i gripped the steering wheel more tightly as my knuckles turn white, right now I am driving Guddan to her house after this messed up chaotic party, but my thoughts are going crazy, i want to go back there and kill those three morons with bare hand.
I try to control my raging thoughts and turned my face to the left,
Guddan was fast asleep in the passenger seat with her head against the window.
Even with eyes closed, she still is the most beautiful girl I've known so far,
I can't seem to to concentrate on anything when she is near, I still am confused about all these new feelings but one thing about which I am perfectly sure is that
       I really like Guddan, a lot.!

I parked the car in the drive-way and looked outside the window,
Guddan was still sleeping soundly and after this uneventful night I don't want to disturb her, so I gently freed her seat belt and pick her up in bridal style and got out of the car.

I checked her purse to look for the keys and finally after rummaging so many papers I found that. I quietly unlocked the door and somehow managed to find my way to Guddan's room.
I gently lowered her sleeping form on the mattress and moved away slightly.
Guddan stirred in her sleep then murmered something incoherently, I saw as a panicked frown etched on her face.
I took ahold of her hand and carassed her hair smoothly, after few moments she fell asleep with a small smile on her face.
I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and wished her in a low voice

" Sleep Angel, you are safe now. "

And with that I backed away from her room and shut the door quitely.

I made my way back to my house with the goofiest grin on my face, ok I admit it was by cheating but while guddan was asleep, i took her number from her phone but hey what can I say,
I was nervous about asking her and now I had a reason so I didn't waste it.



I woke up from the irritating noise of my phone, upon galncing at the clock I saw it was 7 in the morning. I moved my eyes to take in my surroundings and found myself in my bed.
But how did I got here, I don't remember anything.
All the flashbacks of yesterday's evening came rushing to my mind as I groaned in annoyance. I heard an incoming text sound and picked up my phone.
There were two messages from an unknown number.

Unknown :- Good morning beautiful ( 6:58 am )

Unknown:- Are you awake yet ( 7:01 am )

I stared confused at the texts, who is sending me the message at this early time and on Sunday,
after debating with myself i cautiously replied back.

Guddan :- um. Sorry but who's this.?

I sent the text and waited for reply anxiously. It hardly took few seconds when a new notification popped up on my phone's screen.

Unknown :- You broke my heart Guddan, you are asking me who I am :-(

Ok now I am really confused and a bit scared too, is this some stalker guy or some serial killer, ughh.!  Why am I thinking like this.

Guddan :- look dude whoever you are, don't bother me and just frickin tell who are you or i'm gonna block this number.

Unknown :- woah.!  Jeez clam down woman, and stop thinking ridiculous, I'm not any stalker or like that,

My eyes went wide and nearly buldge out of my eye sockets, how in the hell did he know i was thinking about him like that.
Instantly my phone lit up depicting a new text. And after reading the new messege my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

Unknown :- Did you sleep well last night, i'm sorry i didn't wanted to disturb you so I sort of went through your bag and carried you to the room ;-)

Carried me to my room.?  Went through my bag.?  Last night.? ......... WTH.!!!!!!!

Guddan :- Akshat.?? - __ -

Unknown :- phew* i thought you will never recognize me, took you too long.

A small smile broke down my face when I saw it was Akshat and not some random guy, somewhere in my heart I was happy talking to Akshat, but I don't want to show so much desperation to him, so I put it a normal chat.

Guddan :- yeah yeah.!  Talk like a stalker and see what I'll do,

Guddan :- Wait, how did you got my number coz i don't remember giving it to you.?

There was a long pause after my text and I was getting slightly nervous but finally Akshat replied back.

Akshat :- um, will you be mad if I tell you the truth.?

Guddan :- no.!  Why would I be mad, what have you done.?

Akshat :- I may or may not have took your number from your phone while you were sleeping.

I gazed at the text in utter shock for two minutes, ok I get it Akshat took my number while I was asleep but why is he this much interested in me, not that i am complaining but still.
Ok whatever.

Akshat :- hello.!  Guddan are you there.

Akshat :- I am sorry, I should've asked you for the number but please talk to me.

Akshat :-  please don't be mad at me :-((,

Akshat :- I will spam your inbox if you 'll not reply this text.

Akshat :- Ok you asked for it.

Akshat :- Guddan, I am sorry :-(

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-          "

Akshat :-  I am coming to your house -_-

I came back to my room and turned on my phone and barely stiffled a gasp as I saw 50+ unread texts from Akshat.
I quickly typed a reply.

Guddan :- geez clam down man, my phone was out of charge, so I didn't replied your texts, no need to go all caveman over messeges.

I laughed out loud at such stupidity.

Akshat :- It means you are not mad at me.?

Guddan :- No silly, I'm not mad at you, it's fine.

" Come on Guddan, we have to go now " I heard Aanya calling my name downstairs, I guess i've to end this conversation with Akshat here for now.

Guddan :- ok, i've to go. So um I'll talk to you later.

Akshat :- yeah sure.!  See ya, have a nice day ;-))

I sighed disappointed, it was fun talking to Akshat, I didn't wanted to finish the chat, I kinda liked talking to him.
I am totally in a messed up state, at one hand I am scared but then other part of me is jumping gleefully with this whole new interaction.
I think I just have a choice, to wait and see what's the future's holding for me,
But one thing of which I realized for sure is

                    I like Akshat.


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