16 < Converse

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Holding a tiny little new born In your arms makes your day 20x better.

It was a breathe taking thing for Connie, to hold her little thing. She spent weeks in the hospital just waiting to hold the little thing.

"Mom? Where'd you put the baby Formula?" She was cuddled up to Steven on the couch.

Priyanka came out of the kitchen and handed a bottle to Connie. She took a moment to admire her granddaughter.

Steven was passed out. His face stuffed into Connies neck. The Maheswaran had been perfectly fine with him stay, they weren't thrilled on the fact he got Connie pregnant, at 16. He applogized and earned their trust back.

Priyanka kissed her daughters head and tracked off to the kitchen. "Hold her closer!" She called out.

Connie giggled and held her daughter close. Stovinne is what they settled on. A bit cliche if you ask them but it fit perfectly. She looked exactly like their fusion.

The litte baby looked up at her mother as she drank from the bottle. Her big light brown eyes looked up at her mother and lighten up when she relized her mother was looking at her.

"Hey little thing," Connie used a finger go wipe the milk that was coming out of the babys mouth. "Man you are a messy eater," she sat her up a bit so she had better time swolling the milk.

Stovinne looked around and noctied the thick curly hair near her face. She used her small hand and gently pulled it. "Agbal," she spat the bottle out and talked baby talk.

Connie sat the bottle down. "If you wanna wake daddy up you gotta get him where it hurts. Start crying, like this," Stovinne looked and listened to her mother.

Connie faked cried and soon Stovinnes started crying, thinking her mother was hurt. Steven quickly sat up and looked at his daughter. He quickly calmed her down and took her from Connie so he could kiss her little head.

Connie stood and Stovinne started crying more. Her loud whines screaming out as she watched her mother. Connie sighed and took her again. "Alright its nap time," she went up the stairs with Steven into her room and laid on her bed, putting the small baby in the middle. Steven took the side away from the wall so he could makes sure neither of them fell off the bed.

Stovinne calmed down and slowly fell alseep. Connie sighed in relief. She leaned over snd kissed Steven before falling asleep. Steven looked at his daughter and placed his hand on her, slowly falling asleep.

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