Cancer > White Diamond & Family [Human Au]

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Requested by; agemforlife
"Could you do sad human au where White Diamond tells her family that she has lung cancer from smoking"
I know the picture doesn't have white and isn't human, but it's cute.

"Please Pink, let's just get your hair done and we can leave to see grandma," The small girls in arms groans and stomps. "Don't be like that my star," Pink crossed her arms.

"Blue, Pink!" Yvette yells from down stairs. Eveyone went by nicknames. Pinks actually name was Priscilla, Blue was Brianna. 

"One seconded Yellow!" Yellow tapped her foot on the step. Time was not on her list of things to wait on.

"Whites going go be mad!" A moment after that was said her wife walked down. Pink in her arms slightly crying. "What is it this time?"

Pink glared at Yellow and snuggled closer to Blue. "Yellow, don't be so mean,"

"Blue she has you wrapped around her finger," Yellow sighs, leading her wife and daughter into the car.

"Can I get McDonalds?" Pink whines from the back seat.

"No, we're eating with Grandma, She has something to tell us," Pink crossed her arms, sticking her tounge out at them.


"Startlight," A deep voice broke through a crowd of voices, Pink smiled and jumped into her grandma's arms. "My wonderful Starlight, how are they treating you?"

Pink smiled and squished her face against her cheek. White face was prefect, wrinkle free, and you wouldn't have guessed she was 50. "Yellow was being a brat again,"

"As if," Yellow scoffed and Blue placed her arm around her, resting her face on her lovers shoulder. "Okay Mom, what did you need to talk about?"

"Well," She sat down and sighs, "I have the test results, and nothings good news," Pinks eye widen, as she looked at mother's and then at grandma. White leand over and pulled out a packet, handing it to the two in front of her.

Blue face fell as she read, a skinny hand came to cover her mouth, She turned and laid her cheek on Yellows shoulder and turning to look away. "What is it Yellow?" Pink asked. She stood on her lap and leaned across the table.

"Cance Pink,"

"Cancer?" The little girl asked.

"A bad monster," Yellow replied. Pink mouth flew open as she threw her grandmother in a hug.

"Go away monster!" Yellow chuckled, a hint of sadness washing over her.

"I have surgery next week on the 5th, and start treatment the 10th," Yellow nodded.

"I'll head up with, assuming you want to go to  your hospital ,"

White nodded. Pink was now sitting again, a small frown on her face. "Don't worry Starlight. How about some ice cream?" Pink smiled and nodded. "Anything for you Star,"

I actually liked this one. <3

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