Kisses < The gems & Baby Steven

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The small purple gem cried out as Pearl put some weird stuff on her scrapes and cuts. The stinging feeling was to much for the younger gem, but Pearl had promise her that if she could do this she would let her hold Steven.

Amethyst had decided that she was going to roll down the hill, Pearl was all for it before she got caught on a rock and slammed to the ground against a building. "Amethyst please stop moving,"

"But it hurts Pearl," The child called out as the other gem contuined to clean her up.

"I know it hurts, but you need me to let me fix you up," Amethyst kept moving and crying, but when it was finished she let the purple gem down and run off. Pearl put away the kit and made her way to the living room.

In the living room there was a small pack and play placed in the center. Little Ameythst was sitting beside it and look through the tiny hole to see a smiling Steven. Steven was holding his foot and laughing at the gem near him. Pearl slowly made her way over and picked up the tiny boy.

Amethyst scrambled to the couch and sat in Garnets lap. She opened her arms. Garnet chuckles and moved the gems hand so they could hold Steven.

Steven was looking around. His big brown eyes widen in curiosity as he was passed around. He made little bubble come out of his mouth as he babbled. Amethyst looked at him with stars in her eyes. "Now be careful, babies are very fragile," Pearl placed the baby in her hands and brushed the brown locks of hair out of his face.

Amethyst bent down a bit and placed a kiss on his cheek. She looked up at Garnet and smiled, "Look! I'm holding him," Stevens balled hands clapped togther and he smiled. Garnet nodded and helped the smaller gem get him in a comfortable position.

Steven began drifting off from the silence that fell. Pearl was sitting infront of the couch where head resting on Garnets leg as she watched the two small gems bond. She watched in amazement as the purple fell alseep as well.


"Be careful you two, this gem is very dangerous. Can I trust you to do this for me?" Garnet asked. Pearl nodded and smiled.

"You can trust us!" Amethyst yells as runs to the warp and next to Pearl. Garnet watched the two wrap off, She was now home alone with a baby and nothing to do.

Garnet walked over to the pack and play they had set up. Steven was looking up at the fusion. He was content with just babbling and blowing bubbles. Garnet smiled. She hadn't smiled since Rose's death. Something in her so scared just to show Pearl and Amethyst a small smile. Fear of the team falling apart.

A bit later Steven had gotten bored of watching her so he stretched his arms out to her. Garnet bent down and picked him up. "Hello Steven,"

"Gaga!" He smiled, hitting his balled fists against her chest. She sat down and hummed. She picked this habit up from Rose. Rose would hum all throughout her pregency. Steven wasn't an active baby, which made Rose worry. Fear her son had died. Fear it didn't work out.

"Look Rose. Look at him, it worked," Garnet had convinced herself long ago that she was gone. She wasn't coming back, and in no shape or form was it Stevens fault. Nothing was Stevens fault, he's just a baby. Garnet liked to think she was still looking over the group.

Steven had gotten tired from his hitting, he shifted in her warm arms and let out a little yawn. He his breathing became short and even. Garnet brought him closer and kissed his forehead. Her third eye watching him.


After months of grief Pearl decided she was going to be the mother Steven need. The mother Rose wanted to be.

Pearl walked out of her room in a green shirt and gray shorts. The pack and play was pushed up against the wall. Garnet and Amethyst reading on the couch. Steven was wearing one of his red star shirts. It was way to big for a kid his age but all his other clothing made him uncomfortable. 

Pearl made her way to the pack and play and picked him up. A huge smile on her face as he lifted his head up and smiled. A white speak was coming out from his gums. Pearl gently took her hand and opened his mouth. Steven moved his head in protest. "Nahba!" He yelled and looked away in discomfort.

"I'm sorry," She replied placing a kiss on his head. "I wonder why you aren't crying out," She said to herself then anything. Steven gave her big wondering eyes.

Pearl made her way to the window and faced him so he was looking. "That's the beach. Soon you'll be able to run and play as much as you want," the baby brought his balled hand up and made bubbles pop out of his mouth.

"Googahh?" It sounded like a question and Pearl nodded. Pearl took a seat next to Garnet and played with the boy for a while.

When Steven was born eveyone got about 5 minuets with Rose. Rose told Pearl to look over the boy, to watch him closely. Which she failed at for the first month. Garnet looked over the two young ones. She had to make sure Ameythst was training and had to watch Steven. At times the purple gem got jealous that Garnet spent most of her time with Steven. When Pearl came out for the first time eveyone was enjoying lunch, both were a children a mess. Pearl scolded Ameythst and showed Garnet how to feed a baby.

Pearl regretted the month before, for not spending time with her family. It ate her alive for the past year, but now she felling better.

Pearl bent down and kissed Steven nose. Pearl made Steven comfortable and both slowly fell asleep.

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