Sick < Pearl X Ameythst [Human AU]

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Pearl had woken up like she does every morning. Wake up,  make breakfast, get Steven up, make sure he eats, shower, and then off to drop Steven off. On my one thing changed, Garnet had promised to Steven to take him to school in her police car. Steven was supper excited all morning. Pearl couldn't even shower without him sitting on the toilet seat and ask question after question.

When Garnet was ready he rushed to kissed both Pearl and Amethyst goodbye. Amethyst was still asleep when he left. She was never really up till a 12. Amethyst was a night owl. No matter how hard Pearl tried to get her to sleep, She just wouldn't.

Amethyst was a 24 year old with purple hair and a party animal life style, but Pearl had gotten better at calming her down to spend time with Steven. Pearl on the other was completely different. She had peach hair, it faded from a light pink to that. She was always seen cleaning or helping around with whatever. But the thing Amethyst loved the most was how she always need approval. Whether it was Garnet or Amethyst.

Pearl waved as Steven left and made her way back inside. It was around 9 when Amethyst woke up. Pearl watched a blur of purple make it's way to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Pearl was beyond confused, She walked over and knocked softly.

"Amethyst, baby?" She placed her hand on the door knob and tried to push it back, locked.

"Y-yeah Pearl?" She sounded sick. Her voice was horsed (?) And cracked.

"Will you open the door?" A lock was heard and Pearl made her way in. Amethyst sat on the floor. She was in her night wear. Pearl  said it showed to much skin, but in reality she loved it on Amethyst. It made eveything stand out.

Amethyst bent her head in the toilet as threw up. Pearl quickly held back her hair and put it up. "Poor baby..." She rubbed at Amethysts's back and kissed her neck softly.

Amethyst finished and groaned. She leaned against Pearl. Pearl could feel her burning skin. Amethysts was beyond hot.

Pearl yelpped. "Amethyst, Your burning!" She brought her hand over and turned on the cold water. Helping Amethsyt out of her night outfit. She helped her into the tub and kissed her forehead.

Pearl quickly grabbed the medican and helped Amethyst take it.

I hate how most of these are being stopped early...buttttttttt
I'm getting a wig to cosplay Connie! And I'm getting tickets for the Steven Universe movie sing along! Shhdhdhdhdhdh hdiejdnfn I can't wait!
Also take this update cause its been forever and I have a interview today!

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