Burdens And Baked Goods

Start from the beginning

"Oh- uh well ok if that's what you want, love." I begin to feel a little disappointed, Part of me wished she would've fought me on it. That she would've told me it's not my job to take care of us and that my money is my money. The tiniest part of me just wanted to elicit some emotion out of her. Of course, that doesn't happen, so I nod and continue eating my breakfast as she moves throughout the house.


"Alright, I have to be at work in 10 minutes, so I'll drop you off here" My mother states, pulling the car over in front of a Tesco.

I nod my head and give her a quick, forced smile.

"I won't be home until late tonight, you good for dinner?" Simply put, no. I wasn't good for dinner, considering the fact that she hasn't gone food shopping since we moved to Doncaster. The only food in our fridge being eggs and milk, but nonetheless I nod my head and shoot her a smile, stepping out onto the pavement, and watching my mother drive away.

I walk into Tesco and immediately make my way to the checkout center, trying to find an employee to talk to. When I spot one I nervously tap my finger against her shoulder. 

"'Scuse me, I was w-wondering if there were any j-job's available h-here" I choke out. The girl appears to be in her early 20's. She looks me up and down, a humorous smirk ghosting over her thin lips before she simply states-

"Yeah no, definitely not" She turns away briskly, and saunters away. My eyes dart to the ground as I begin to bite at my bottom lip. Why is everyone I meet around here so rude?

As I make my way towards the exit, tears already building in the corners of my eyes I think to myself.

This is gonna be a long day


My previous suspicion proved to be correct, because it was already a quarter till 2, and I've been turned down for every single job opportunity. One man even laughed and told me I needed to "get laid" and maybe I'd loosen up a bit.

Feeling angry, frustrated and utterly humiliated, I decided that I was just going to call it a day and catch the bus home. I begin walking down the main street, Taking in my surroundings. People rushing around, probably on a mission to grab a bite to eat on their lunch break. An old couple taking a walk, hand in hand and smiling at one another, A mother sitting on a bus bench and nursing her newborn baby. I faintly hear puddles splashing due to cars speeding through them, and I smell...bread.

Bread? where is that coming from?

I stop walking and look around, trying to locate the source of that mouthwatering aroma 

Across the street, I spot a small, quaint, building. I make my way across the busy street and look up at the big red sign on the side of the brick building

W. Mandeville
Grocer & Baker 
Maker Of Hovis

My nose, determined to follow that smell of freshly baked bread, led me inside a small picturesque bakery. A little bell sounds as I open the door and I'm enveloped in warmth and the fragrance of baked goods. The floor is a chestnut brown tile, the walls a creme color, lined with shelves of different jams, jellies, and baking goods. 

To my left, I notice a big glass display case, filled with every pastry and bread you could imagine. The top of the case is a mahogany counter with different bags, jars, and miscellaneous items decorate the top. The back walls are accented with deep cherry red wooden shelves filled with even more treats, and to the far left is a hallway, leading off into the back of the little shop.

"Hello? Are you guys open?" I call out as I ring the little bell on the mahogany countertop.

A little chubby old lady with dusty rose cheeks and short hair emerges from the back hallway. "Oh hello! Yes, we're open, sorry about that" she lets out a hearty laugh and I instantly smile at her.

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