11. losing control

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is going on?" Blaise yells. "He's fucking asking for it." Malfoy says, still absolutely enraged. I've never seen him this upset before. Surely it's what Cole said about his father. "Remington! Get your ass out of here or you're off the team!" Blaise threatens. "What!?" Cole booms. "You heard me." Blaise says. A dark look appears on Cole's face. "Fine, but you three better watch your backs." He says dangerously before turning towards the staircase to the dorms. I feel a chill run down my spine as he says those words. Malfoy jerks his body in the direction of Cole and I keep my hands placed on his chest, pushing him back more. I can basically feel his heartbeat pounding as his chest rises up and down rapidly. If looks could kill, everyone in this room would be demolished by now.

"Em, can you take him outside?" Blaise asks me. "You're probably the only person he'll listen to right now." He adds. "W-what? Why me?" I cry out. Blaise smirks. "Because I'm his best mate, he'll probably try to knock me out in a second." He says. Draco growls. He quite literally growls. "Let me go!" He demands.

"No." I say sharply. As soon as Blaise lets go, Malfoy shoves me off of him. I expect him to run off after Cole, but he doesn't. I grab his arm before yanking him towards the common room door. "Come on." I snarl. I end up having to pretty much drag him outside of the Slytherin common room. The second we get out into the large hallway, he pretty much throws me off of him. I stumble back a few steps. My expression hardens immediately. "What the hell is your issue?" I snap. "My issue?" He exclaims. "I'm not the one willingly putting myself into situations like that! God you're so dumb! Ever since I met you, you've made my life a living hell!" He shouts.

Without much thought, something inside of me snaps. Almost similar to how Malfoy just reacted, I lunge at him. The difference is that, there is no one to hold me back. Between Cole's threats and practically saving Malfoy from starting a fight just to end up being treated like this, I feel absolute fire pulsing through my veins. I shove his tall frame into the stone wall behind him as my temper takes over, controlling every part of me. "Don't fucking blame this on me! You've been nothing but fucking awful to me since I got here! I thought when you were assigned to help me, you would actually help, not just hurt me whenever you get the chance!" I shout, my voice breaking at the end of my sentence.

Before I can even blink he grabs both of my wrists, and flips me around so that now my back is pinned to the stone wall. "You really expect me to care about whether I'm helping or hurting you? I couldn't give less of a fuck about what happens to your pathetic ass!" He roars.

No words could ever describe the next instance. It's almost as if in that absolute mess of a moment, every emotion erupts inside me. I feel something awaken as my body loses control and suddenly I feel the power fluctuating throughout my whole body. The second I push Malfoy off of me, he goes flying across the hallway. The first thing I see is the energy in my hands. It looks identical to lightning as it strikes the blonde haired boy, and he hits the wall opposite of where I stand. It's energy surges to every point around me throughout the hallway, and it is so powerful the force also throws me into the nearest thing, which is the solid stone wall behind me.

Without any warning, every lantern in the hallway brightens so that it is almost blinding before every single light shatters, and the hallway is left pitch black. I can't help myself as I feel my body crumple helplessly to the ground. I fight to find my breath as I feel my chest screaming for air. I feel every last ounce of energy draining from my frame rapidly.

The last thing I pay any attention to is the feeling of dozens of tiny cuts by the small shards of glass stuck in my skin. My eyes slowly flutter closed before the darkness welcomes me.

* * * * *

I haltingly open my eyes. My senses immediately heighten as I look around in confusion. My surroundings are hard to recognize at first. I slowly sit up, clenching my teeth in pain as my whole entire figure aches, accompanied by a violent headache. I look around me, several empty hospital beds surround me as the silver moonlight pours gracefully in through the windows and I recognize that I'm in the hospital wing.

I need to find somebody. What even happened after I passed out? Determined to gain some answers, I force myself out of the bed lazily. Still feeling extremely groggy and lethargic I place one foot on the ground and attempt to follow with the other, but it's too late. My foot is tangled in the bed sheets and I fall straight to the ground with a thud. I groan loudly as pain ignites throughout my body.

"Try to be a little louder, please." Somebody says from a few feet away from me. I gasp as I quickly untangle myself from the sheet. I thought I was alone. I quickly stand, my muscles aching in the process. In the hospital bed directly to the right of mine, lies Draco Malfoy, his back facing me.

"Malfoy?" I question. "What do you want?" He spits out. "What's going on?" I ask. He sighs deeply, before slowly sitting up to face me. He grunts while doing so and I realize he is injured. I gasp as memories come flooding back. Most of all, I remember throwing him into the wall.

Holy shit. Now he's really going to kill me.

"Do you happen to recall throwing me into a wall?" He asks. I quickly look away. "I- I didn't m-mean to." I stumble over my words before I meet his eyes again. "I-I'm so sorry!" I exclaim. My breath picks up and so does my heart rate as I figure he is most likely plotting my death at this point. "You can get me back for it! I'll even let you throw me into a wall too and then we will be even!" I say frantically, as guilt corrupts every part of me.

All that follows for a second is silence when suddenly he laughs. A deep chuckle escapes him as he pats the edge of his bed. "Come here." He says. My mouth falls open as I stand there, incredibly still. He looks at me expectantly so I hesitantly walk over to his bed and take a seat on the end of it. "I'm not mad." He says softly. "You're not?" I question. He shakes his head. "I had it coming. I should've known better than to make you angry when your powers had been acting up like that in the first place. Besides I was supposed to be keeping an eye on you, not the other way around." He says, referring to my aid in keeping Draco Malfoy from starting a fist fight.

"Oh." I simply murmur. "I er- also wanted to say um..." He pauses for a second before looking away. "Thank you." He coughs. My eyes widen. "Did I just hear the words 'thank you' come out of your mouth?" I smirk. He scowls. "Maybe." He mutters. "Thank you for what?" I ask. "For keeping me from doing some serious harm to that fucking prick." He says. I nod. "You're welcome." I smile softly, before something is brought to my mind. "Whatever Cole said to make you that angry, what did he mean? About your father?" I question, worrying that I may be pushing the boundaries too far. I had heard the rumors that his father was in Azkaban, I had also hear he had been killed. I wasn't sure which was true, or if either rumors were even close to factual.

A dark look falls across his face in a mere second. "Don't worry about it right now." He simply says. "Ok." I mumble.

"Um, how did I get here? And why are you here too?" I ask. "You are certainly full of questions tonight." He says. I blush. "After you know, you exploded all the lanterns and threw me into a wall, I guess you just passed out. I tried to wake you up, but you were out like a light. You were also all cut up from the glass, so I brought you here. I tried to leave but they wouldn't let me until they checked me out too. They told me I had two broken ribs and made me stay here anyways." He says. "Broken ribs?" I shout. "SHH!" He shushes me frantically. I quickly cover my mouth, forgetting that it's the middle of the night.

"I broke your ribs?" I whisper after I recollect myself. He nods slowly. "Nothing a healing potion can't fix though." He says. I raise my brows. "Why are you being like this?" I ask. "Like what?" He questions. "I don't know, normal? Not all dark and brooding? Not an asshole I guess." I smirk. He rolls his eyes. "Don't question it Ashwood, just enjoy it while you can." He says. "You make it sound like I won't be seeing this side of you again." I frown. "You're right about that." He responds. My frown only grows. "Why? You're almost bearable right now." I say.

"Just give it up." He smirks in return. I roll my eyes. "Fine." I sigh before I stand up and crawl back into my bed, yawning while doing so. "I'm gonna go back to bed." I say sleepily as I slide underneath the thin cotton sheets. I roll over onto my side, facing him. My eyes meet his silver ones, illuminated by the moonlight, and for a second, something feels different. His gaze holds something new in it, and I can't quite figure out what it is.

"Thanks for bringing me here." I tell him, as I realize I hadn't thanked him yet. His lips twitch upwards, fighting a smile. "Your welcome." He nods, before sliding back into his own sheets, and turning away from me, so that I am staring at his back.

"Goodnight." I mumble as I close my eyes. "Goodnight, Ashwood." He responds, and it is hard to fight the small smile forming on my lips.

THE VISION THIEF - D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now