[27] Five To Go

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I'm so sorry about not updating for like 5 months :(

But, I'm beginning to enjoy writing this story again, so I think you'll be seeing more chapters from me!

I love you all and thanks for not giving up on this story c: <3

Oh, and happy valentines day!


"Caleb!" I hiss, sitting up and swiftly shaking him in an attempt to wake up. "Sit up!"

Caleb slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes fiercefully. "What do you want?"

"Did you not just hear the canon?!" I hiss at him, not quite sure why I am angry with him. I mean, it's not his fault he'd fell asleep. "Another is dead!"

"Oh god..." He mutters, standing up and starting to pace the area of sand surrounding us. "How many more of us is left then?"

"Only 5. Including us." I say, looking up at him to see what his response is to this. Bu he doesn't say a word, just stands there, frozen to the ground, just like a statue.

"We're going to have to sleep until tomorrow now," I finally say, breaking the silence, "Then we'll figure out what to do next."

Caleb just nods, before sitting leing back down again, facing away from me for some reason. I decide to not question it, because I know that he probably just wants time alone. Time alone, to think about how he can kill me, most probably.

Shut up Prim, that's not what he's thinking about at all, I tell myself harshly. He's probably just missing his family and wondering how he got into this mess in the first place.

I continue argueing with myself in my head for hours on end, occasionally wondering if talking to yourself is the first sign of madness. Then again, I wouldn't be suprised if I was truely going insane; who wouldn't in this situation?

Finally, after many hours of staying awake, I drift off to sleep. When I wake up in the morning, the sun stinging my eyes as I sit up, I try and remember what I dreamt of. But, somehow, the only thing that I do remember is me running away from something. an evil something.

"Sleep well?" Caleb asks me, smiling slightly. I turn to him, realising that he has probably been up for a while now, judging by the fresh fruit that he is trying to cut up lying next to him.

"Hmm." I say, not knowing whether or not I should tell him about the parts of my dream that I remember. I decide not to though, as I know he'll just worry. "I guess."

Caleb puts the sweet smelling fruit into two beautifully woven dishes, and hands me one of the bowls. I grin gratefully at him, before tucking into my breakfast with my bare hands. "Wow," I say, dazing up at him with a smile across my face, "This is amazing!"

"I agree," He says, laughing a little. When we're both finished, I stand up and stroll across to the sea so that I can wash my hands and hopefully clean my body too. Caleb follows. However instead of just leaving our belongings where they are, he collects them up, shoves them into his backpack, and takes them with him. At first I wonder what he's doing, but then I realise that at any time another tribute could come and steal them, leaving us with nothing.

"I think I'm going to um, have a wash here..." I say, embarassed. But I'm not the one one who feels uncomfortable at myself announcing this; judging by the colour of Caleb's cheeks I'm pretty sure that he feels slightly awkward too.

"Oh, okay..." Caleb says, "I'll leave you to it then..." I smile, thanking him, as I watch him start to walk away and head back to where we were located before. When I know for certain that he is well out of sight, I peel off my clothes from my aching body - leaving just my underwear on - and walk into the cool water, allowing the waves to wash over me. I sigh, from utter relaxation for once, and hold my breath before plummeting underwater. I come back up gasping for air, yet I still have a smile plastered across my face.

After another ten minutes of just getting myself glisteningly clean, I decide that it's probably time to go and find Caleb; after all, he could have been attacked by one of the other three remaining tributes and I wouldn't even know.

Pulling my clothes over my wet body, I do my best to tie up my unbrushed hair with the one remaining hairband that I have left. Taking one last look at the breathtakingly beautiful sea, I turn back around and start heading back towards where Caleb is waiting for me, the soft sand swinging I between my toes.

As I'm walking back to him, I decide that it's a good idea to shout to him, just in case he hasn't noticed me. "Caleb!" I shout, squinting my eyes to where I can see a faded figure sat. But only afterwards do I realise that making myself heard wasn't the best thing to do at all; after all, another tribute could be lurking nearby, waiting for the right time to pounce.

As I get closer to Caleb, I realise that he's curled up in a ball, his knees tucked up tightly to his chin. I smile. This is the position that Buttercup would always sleep in back at home.

I notice that his eyes are shut as I bend down next to him, thinking that he must just be resting his eyes. But as I tap him on the shoulder lightly, I can't hear nor feel him breathing at all. Panicking, I start shaking him harder, praying that he's just messing around.

"Caleb!" I whisper harshly in his ear, "This joke isn't funny anymore, stop it, get up NOW!"

But he doesn't move.

And I don't know what scares me more; the fact that Caleb doesn't seem to be breathing, or the fact that I can feel someone else breathing down my neck...


Leaving it on a cliff hanger cos I'm a bitch...

Comment telling me what you think and don't forget to vote! <3

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