Chapter fifty three.

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I can't stop my heavy, uncontrollable breathing as I stand in front of her door.

She's awake. And I've waited four years to see her awake again.

I don't think I believed anyone when they told me she was actually awake, and when I realized they weren't joking, it took me a while say to even want to see her.

I heard Isaac's disappointment when she didn't remember him, or anyone.

I don't have hope she'll remember me. I know she won't. But I need to see her.

I grab the knob and turn the handle slowly. I take a deep breath and push the door open.

I don't see her in the bed, so I open it more until I do.

She's standing next to the window, in sweatpants and a T-shirt. She doesn't hear me so she doesn't turn around.

I step in and close the door, the clicking noise is what makes her turn around. She frowns when she sees me.

"Who are you?" She asks.

My lips tremble, I haven't heard her voice. It sounds the same, but so different. I cover my mouth with my hand to keep any sobs in.

"If... if you know me, I don't know you. And I'm sorry." She says, hugging her arms to her body.

I shake my head. "I don't care, I don't care if you don't know who I am. I'm just... I'm so glad your awake." I whisper.

Tears come out of my eyes and I can't help it, I don't want to stop them. That means this is real.

"I'm Hadley." I say.

"Oh... you're my best friend?" She asks.

"Yes I am. And I always will be. No matter what you remember or not." I say and she nods.

"I'm working on them, my memories. No luck yet, but I'll... keep trying." She says.

I take a deep breath and nod my head. "Can... can I hug you?" I ask.

She thinks about it for a moment and takes a small step forward. "I don't want you to think I remember you. But you remember me, so I'll let you. For whatever closure you need."

"Okay." I whisper.

I walk towards her, slowly. I put my arms around her neck and pull her into me. Her arms come around me shakily.

This is how we always used to hug, I've always been a little taller.

I give her a small squeeze before letting go. When I do, I take a few steps back.

She's looking down at the ground for a moment. When she looks back up, her eyes look like we're thirteen again. But only for a moment, and it's fine again. "You feel... familiar."

"Good. And thank you. Keep working on your memories. I'll never forget you, no matter what happens. I love you." I say.

She gives me a small smile, sad almost.

I turn around and walk back out of the room.

My soul feels lighter.

I feel... free.

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