Chapter twenty one.

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I sit in front of Ryan's house for a moment before I get out of the car. I walk up and knock on the door.

I know I shouldn't be here, but after what happened with Austen, I don't really care. The door opens and when Ryan sees me, he looks shocked.

"Hadley, how are you? I'm sorry about last night, how are you doing now?" He says, throwing out questions.

I shake my head and hold a hand up. "Ryan, for one I'm fine. And you don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault. And third, I need a release." I say and he nods slowly.

"I can help you with that." He says.

"I know." I say and walk in.

"No ones here. It's just me, after last night I got everyone out and I cleaned up and I've just been hanging by myself." He says and I walk into the kitchen.

"That's fine with me."

I go to the liquor stash and grab a bottle of vodka. I open it up and take a big drink of it, causing Ryan to laugh awkwardly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks and I look at him.

"I will be." I say and he nods, reaching for the bottle, but I shake my head. "No, I need all of it." I say and he holds his hands up in defense.

"I get it. I'll stay sober so you can drink to your hearts content." He says and I start walking to the living room.

That's just it though, I don't think my heart wants to be drunk, but my mind does. And my mind is running so much that it's going to welcome this with no problem.

I take another long drink as Ryan sits down on the couch, looking at me amusingly. "What?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Nothing. Just wondering what has you in the mood to drink a whole bottle of vodka." He says.

"Nothing. And it's not the whole bottle. Yet." I say and he laughs.

"It's not nothing, and ha ha. So funny." He says, and I stick my tongue out at him playfully.

"I just think it's what happened last night and into today." I say and he looks at me, confused.

"What happened today?" He asks.

I'm definitely not going to tell him about Austen and I, or what happened between us earlier.

"I was a little hungover, and I kept thinking about last night." I say, hoping he buys the lie.

I would tell him the truth, I would like to know I can confide in someone, but I'm really not sure Ryan would like the truth.

"Yeah I get it." He says, and if he sensed the lie, he didn't give any hints that he knew.

I take another drink. "You should turn on some music, nothing too loud, but just so there's background noise." I say.

He nods his head and stands up. "You're right, that would make it way better." He says, turning on the speakers.

He gets on his phone and selects a playlist that starts playing party songs. I move my body a little as I continue to drink.

Drinking away the thought of everything.

Of Austen, of trying to be better, of trying to feel something other than pain or hurt.

I drink it all away.


I finished that bottle of vodka about two and a half hours ago and I'm crazy drunk. It's around four in the afternoon and I'm currently just enjoying myself. I doubt I will tomorrow though.

Ryan is letting me have some quiet time for a moment, as he watches me. I can barely focus on anything.

"Hey, Hadley." He says and I lean up on my elbows and smile lazily at him.

"Yeah?" I slur.

"Your phone is ringing." He says and I glance at it.

I pick it up and I see Isaac's name. He's part of the people I don't want to talk to right now, I'm also drunk and I can barely form four word sentences.

I hit the ignore button and put it on silent.

He can wait. He hasn't wanted to talk to me in weeks, then I won't answer his call. Although, I do miss him terribly.

I push the thought of calling him back, aside and continue to lay down, relaxing into the couch.

Although it's on silent, my phone continues to buzz. After about five minutes I sit up and grab it.

I see eleven missed calls from Isaac, nine from my mom, and four from my dad.

I fully sit up and frown at the phone, why do they all need me? I can't call back because they'd know I'm drunk, but they've never tried to get to me all at once.

The front door opens and closes and we hear footsteps moving towards the living room. This causes Ryan to stand up.

When Austen come into the room, I think we both physically relax. A phone is to his ear as he narrows his eyes at me and Ryan.

"What-" I start, but get cut off by Austen.

"Yeah, I found her." He says, pulling the phone away from his ear, holding it towards me. "It's your brother." He says and I frown.

I stand up and slowly walk towards it, I grab it when he shoves it in my direction again.

"Hello?" I say, trying not sound as normal as possible.

"Hadley, are you drunk?" He says, but it sounds like he's been crying.

"I... no. No I haven't, I just woke up. Isaac are you... crying?" I ask, when he doesn't say anything I start to panic. "Isaac, what's wrong? Answer me!" I say and he takes a deep breath.

"Isaac I swear if you don't answer me right no-"

"It's Ashley." He says, causing all of the air to leave my body.

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