Chapter six.

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"How was your first day of school?" Dr. Street asks me, his pen and notepad ready.

I keep my gaze focused out of the window, watching the wind blow the grass and the birds fly by.

"It was fine, I guess. I have mostly AP classes, I have all my classes with my neighbor, my anxiety was high a few times, but it calmed down when I took a second to breath." I say and he nods, scribbling down my words.

"I'm going to assume that your neighbor, is the guy you've talked about seeing a few times?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yes. He's so infuriating, he questions everything I do, he never says anything, and if he does, he's angry. I can't understand him at all and I want to be as far away from him as possible. But that's impossible considering I live next to him and we have the sane schedule. The same! Who even has the same schedule." I say and let out a breath.

Austen infuriates me so much, I could rant about him forever.

"Maybe he'd be a good friend." He suggests and I gape at him.

"He's a great pain in my butt. But he will never be a good friend." I say and cross my arms, looking out of the window again.

"How's Ashley?" He asks and I close my eyes; letting out a breath. "You haven't talked about her in a while." He says and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"I... I don't know. I haven't said anything about her because I haven't gone to see her, in about two weeks." I say and he frowns.

"Why not?" He asks and I shake my head slightly.

"I don't know." I say and he studies me for a minute.

"No. You know why." He says and I move my eyes to look at him. "You just aren't telling me why, is something going on with you Hadley?" He asks and I turn my head towards him completely.

"No." I say and he frowns.

"You do know you can tell me anything, right? I mean you've been here for two years, you should know I only want what's best for you." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, I know that. But nothing is wrong with me." I say and he takes a breath before continuing.

"I just don't think you're being honest with me." He says, setting his stuff on the table in front of him, that means this is serious.

I frown at the pad and pen on the table in front of me and look up to meet his eyes. He raises his eyebrows, expecting me to spill what's wrong with me, only I can't.

I lean forward in my chair some and narrow my eyes at him. "I said nothing was wrong with me. So why can't you leave it alone." I say, but instead of letting him answer, I grab my bag and dart to the door, leaving before the end of my session.


I walk into my house and I notice it's very quiet.

I remember that Isaac went out with friends to eat, but usually you can hear my parents.

"Hello?" I say loudly.

"I'm in the kitchen!" My mom yells back.

Ah, she is here.

I walk into the kitchen and I notice her laptop and papers all around it at the table, that explains why she was quiet.

"Where's dad?" I ask and she glances up at me, but quickly back down.

"He got held up at the office." She says and leans back in her chair, crossing her arms.

"Oh." I say and walk to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

Saving HadleyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant