Chapter three.

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August, present time...




The knocking doesn't stop. At all.

My eyes flutter open and I peek at my window, noticing the sun hasn't even come up yet.

I rub my eyes and sit up, I toss the blankets off of me and stumble out of bed. I was out partying last night and I'm hungover. I opted on getting drunk instead of high for a little change. The good thing about drugs and alcohol, is that they both make you relax and forget.

I get to my door and pull in open, revealing Isaac in some shorts. "Wake up and stay up, it's the first day of school." He says and walks off.

That's today? I forgot it was today.

"Someone's in a grumpy mood." I mutter, but all I get in response is a door closing.

I huff, closing my door I walk to my bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and turn the shower on. While I wait for it to warm up, I  brush my teeth to get rid of the nasty taste in my mouth.

I strip my clothes off and get in the shower, washing off the filth from last night.

Once I'm done, I wrap my hair and body in a towel and walk to my closet to put on my underclothes.

Once they're on, I grab my maroon uniform we're required to wear and put it on.

Isaac and I were put into a private school when we reached high school, unlike our brother who went to the regular high school.
It consist of a white button up shirt, blazer, and a skirt. Our color options are black and maroon for our schools colors. The third color is gold, but a gold uniform wasn't smiled upon.

My skirt rests mid thigh so I prefer to wear the knee socks. I slip them and my shoes on, my rings and bracelets, and head to the bathroom to do my hair and brush my teeth.

Once I'm done I walk back out and get my bag that my mom has had ready for at least a week. I walk over to my window so I can grab it and I notice the sun has started to rise.

I decided to open my curtains back up because I never really saw Austin anyway. I make a wrong move when I decide to look into his room though.

He's standing there with an unbuttoned shirt, his toned body on display. My eyes travel from his face, to his chest, to his perfect abs, and then to his- oh he has one of those v lines where it loo- stop it!

Why am I drooling over him? I don't need to.

With my thoughts not on, whatever they were on, that's when I notice that he's in a uniform. The same one as me. Yay.

I don't really have a problem with him, but on the circumstances of how we met and how that night went, I don't particularly like him. Or any of his family for that matter.

Before he can notice me, I sling my bag over my shoulder and head out of my room and go downstairs.

When I get to the kitchen, Isaac is eating a bowl of cereal. I contemplate my options of food and decide to just go with an apple.

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