Chapter twenty.

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I wake up the next morning with the sun hitting my face, causing warmth to flood my body. I surprisingly don't have a headache and soon, the memories from last night flood my mind and I tense up slightly.

I slowly roll over and look over my shoulder, but the other side of the bed is empty. Slight disappointment floods my chest and I fully roll onto my back, sighing to myself.

I bring my hand up and let it trace my lips and shoulder slightly, making me smile to myself. I'm not really sure why this makes me this happy, I've kissed people before.

But I've never felt like that when I've kissed them, the others have been purely lust. But with Austen it felt like... more. And it's probably just me but I'm okay with it.

I suddenly realize something, I fell asleep last night with nothing, but Austen. And I didn't have a nightmare. I actually had a peaceful sleep. I smile to myself as I get up.

I throw the blankets off of me and stand up, I check to see what time it is. It's eight, on a Saturday, I'm never up this early on the weekend, or even at home.

I head to my bathroom to shower, I turn the water on and let it heat up, brushing my hair out.

I hop in and quickly wash my hair and body, I have a plan for today and I want to hurry.

I get done and wrap my hair and body in a towel and head to my closet. I put underclothes on and take my hair out. I walk out to my room and throw my towels on my bed.

I slip a T-shirt and leggings on and decide to let my hair air dry. I grab my bag and head downstairs.

I go into the kitchen and freeze. The shock on my parents face matches my own.

"Hadley. I didn't know you came home on weekends." My mom says, I can tell she's not happy about what's true.

"Yeah. I thought you guys were gone somewhere." I say.

"We got back earlier. Is that the only reason you're here?" She asks.

I sigh and walk to the fridge. "No, it's not." I say, grabbing a bottle of water.

I pass the counter and grab a granola bar. "Well it's nice to see you here." My dad smiles at me.

I've always felt like he has liked me more, and my mom has liked Isaac more. My mom wasn't always that way, it became recently, like she knows I go and do things she just doesn't know what. And she doesn't like it. But my dad is always happy to see me, no matter when.

"Nice to see you too." I say. "Where'd Isaac go, this weekend?" I ask and my dad shrugs.

"I think he mentioned something about a friends house." He says and I nod. But that doesn't really sound like Isaac.

I quickly eat my granola bar and throw the trash away. "As much as I'd love to stay, I have plans for today." I say.

"Have fun. Will we see you later?" He asks and I shrug.

"Don't know. Bye!" I yell as I walk out of the room.

"Bye!" My dad yells back.

For once I'm not high, drunk, or hungover on anything. But I'm craving it, my next high, my next drink. But I do my best to push the thought out of my head, heading to start my day.


I knock on the door and take a step back. I wait a moment before knocking again. This time, it opens up and Austen is standing there in only boxers, his hair still wet from a shower.

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