Chapter forty.

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At the end of the school day, I make my way out of the building to wait for Isaac. Only, before Isaac can get to me, it's Austen.

"Hadley." He says standing next to me. "Can we talk now?" He asks and I turn to him.

"I need a ride to therapy. And we can talk when that's over." I say. "I have to leave soon, or I'll be late."

He nods his head and swings his keys around on his finger. "Okay." He says. "Just show me the way."

We head to his car and when we get there, he opens the door for me. I mutter a thanks and get in, buckling up. He walks to his side and gets in, starting it and buckling up before he takes off.

"You'll need to pull out of the parking lot and take a right. Basically just go to the other side of downtown." I say.

"Okay." He says. And then he's silent.

So am I, but I technically have a reason... I think. I really just don't want to talk right now. But I can feel his tension, it's very strong, nervous tension.

I turn my head to look out of the window and to just focus on the outside, keeping my mind distracted.

I drift off into oblivion, all of the colors of the outside coming together. And it works, because the office is coming into view.

"That building, on the left." I say.

He starts to slow down and he puts his blinker on glancing at me quickly, he turns in and pulls into a parking lot near the front.

As soon as he puts it in park, I unbuckle and unlock my door, trying to get out. But he grabs my arm and I freeze looking at him.

His eyes pour into mine, sending me so much emotion that I gasp lightly. I feel myself slightly leaning towards him, like a magnetic pull.

"What?" I ask, breathless.

"Um... I'll be out here. When your done." He says and I nod.

"Okay." I whisper.

I try to leave again, but he stops me for a second time.

"Wait. Can... can I kiss you..?" He asks.

I don't answer him. I shut the door and lean over towards him slowly. He lets go off my arm and gently cups my face with both of his hands.

And he brings his lips to mine, and it's like all the love has been poured back into me. I need this in my life. I need him. And I've known that.

I kiss him back with as much passion he's giving me. Melting away all of my problems for a minute.

I pull away and look at him. "I have to go now." I say.

He nods his head and smiles slightly at me. I don't smile back though, I just open the door and head inside.


I walk into the familiar room and look around, it looks the same. I look at the man in the big chair and he smiles at me.

"Hi Hadley, it's been awhile." He says and I nod.

"Yes it has. And I can tell you exactly why." I say.

He clicks his pen and looks at me, ready to listen.

I start off when I started using drugs, and how it progressed. And how and what I used. Why I did it. And he doesn't judge me, or get angry at all. He listens.

And I realize I like that a lot, that's mostly how Austen is. He still has anger issues, but no one is perfect.

I then tell him more about Austen, and how he's helped me find who I am and helped what I can do on my own now. How I stopped using. How I'm clean. But...

"I'm not happy. The drugs never really made me happy, but they substituted it. If that makes sense." I say.

"It makes total sense." He says.

"And I still get my nightmares, but I've started getting other... dreams. They're definitely nothing like my nightmares." I say.

"That sounds good. Tell me more about how you've been feeling." He says.

"I'm not going to lie, I've been sad. Emotionally drained. It's taking a toll on me." I say.

"I can tell." He says, looking at his watch. "Our session is almost over, but I'm going to prescribe you antidepressants. And don't worry about getting addicted or anything like that. And continue to not take your other medication. Especially since you've had problems. I'll prescribe it and tell your parents. They'll have to pick them up." He says and I nod. "I'm glad you came, I hope to a you again."

I smile at him a little. "You will. I'm glad I came back." I say and stand up. "Thank you."

He nods his head at me and I turn and walk out, walking out to Austen.

When I get out to the car and get in, I turn to him. "I wanna go somewhere, a hidden place, so we can talk." I say.

"Okay. I'll go anywhere. Anywhere you want." He says.

"Okay. Then lets go." I say.

He turns the car on, and pulls out of the parking lot. Heading to something he doesn't know the outcome of, for me.

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