Chapter fifty two.

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

My head aches as I listen to the sound of the beeping.

Beeping, why is there a beeping noise?

It all of a sudden hits me.

Austen. The accident. The nightmare. The new nightmare and the old one.

I open my eyes and blink a few times, not moving anything.

Everything hurts. I move my head around and I see all the machines around me, and part of me really wishes this was a dream.

But when I feel the pain in my neck when I move my head, I know sadly, it is real.

"Ouch." I say quietly, and it suddenly gets quiet.

That's when I realize there were people talking.

I look toward the end of the bed and see them. My family. Isaac, my mom and dad, Ethan and Lillian, who is very pregnant.

I blink a few times. He's here too, and he's okay.


I can feel tears coming down.

Everything still hurts, only now it's not just physical.

"I'll get the doctor." My mom says and she disappears.

A few minutes later the doctor comes in and asks everyone to leave.


The doctor told me everything they had to do to me. My family is back in and they're all standing around, staying quiet, letting me process everything.

I've already processed it though, and I feel horrible. My parents found about everything. Everyone did.

They told me they had to pump everything out of my stomach and put me into a drug induced coma. They didn't know if I would wake up.

I could've made them lose me, they could've lost me. And everything I'm thinking about makes me burst into tears.

Everyone looks up and takes a step forward, frowning.

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any if this to happen. Please don't be mad at me." I say, crying even more.

I hear my mom sigh and she walks a little closer to me. "Hadley, no one is mad at you. We're all very sad, and disappointed. Before you ask, we all still love you, very much." She says. She looks back at my dad and he nods at her. "Your father and I have come to a decision. We called Doctor Street and he told us everything. The doctors requested it and he won't get in trouble for sharing it, but we've decided you need further help." She says.

I sit up a little, I know she's right.

"We're sending you to a rehab facility over the summer. They'll help with the addiction and the nightmares. We didn't want this, but that's the best thing for you right now." She says.

It takes me a minute. But then I slowly nod.

"Okay." I say, and shock folks all of their faces. "I'll go."

"Okay." Mom says. "We'll give you some time with Austen, he needs to say some stuff."

And they all leave, I'm left with Austen.

He comes over to the side, he's been crying and that makes my heart hurt.

"Hadley, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

I shake my head. "Why were you here?"

He lets out a sigh and rubs his neck. "I quit the fights. For real this time, and Luke didn't like that. So he had some guys beat me up real bad. I was okay, but when I heard you were in here..." He trails off, shaking his head. "Hadley it was the worst thing ever. I never want to be without you. Please, I changed over this time. I need you." He says.

"I'm leaving though, you can find someone else, someone better. Someone who isn't broken." I whisper while tears come down my cheeks.

"No. No, you're who I want. I'm coming with you. I'll be there, not at the place but I'll be in the city with you so I can come and see you." He says.

"I... I guess that's okay. But I need time. I need to actually heal myself. I need to heal before we try us again." I say and he nods.

"I agree. I'll be with you every step of the way though. I want to do life with you." He says.

I smile at him. "Good." I whisper.


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