Chapter eleven.

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Friday night...

The music is so loud I can barely hear my own thoughts. I took one of my anxiety pills and I've had a drink in my hand ever since I arrived an hour ago, and I feel amazing.

Ryan's house is full of people just like me, looking for an escape, well some of them are really just here to have a good time. But most of the people here come to forget.

I walk into the kitchen and spot Ryan near the drinks.

"Ryaannn, I'm having sooo much funn." I say and he lets out a laugh.

"Glad you're having fun." He says, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Yeahh." I say and I start swinging my hips a little. "I wannaaa goo dance." I slur and tug on Ryan's arm.

He chuckles but follows me out to the living room anyway. We push our way through the crowd and to the middle of the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck as his hands rest on my hips.

We sway back and forth to the upbeat song that plays. I look up at him and it sends a warm feeling straight down there.

I'm not going to lie, Ryan's very sexy. He's got dirty blonde hair and honey color eyes, his body is also very nice. I definitely wouldn't mind anything happening with him.

I turn around and start to dance against him, causing his hands to come closer around front and I start to ache, but it's not unbearable just yet.

All of a sudden his body leaves mine, leaving me feeling very empty. But before I can react his hands come back. Only this time, they set me on fire.

I even think I moan a little, but I can't hear. I sink against his body that feels slightly different and his hands roam my body, leaving trails of heat.

I put my hands up and around his neck, digging my hands into his hair, and I can feel the vibration of a groan come from his throat.

I close my eyes and let the music take over me, letting his hands roam over my body, I turn around and bury myself against him, bringing my lips to his ear.

"You feel amazing against my body." I murmur into his ear, causing him to tighten his grip on my hips.

This time the ache I'm feeling is unbearable.

I pull my head back to look at him, only, I don't find Ryan. I find Austen, looking at me with so much intensity I think I might fall over.

Sober me would jump back, pull away, yell at him, anything other than what drunk me would do. Is doing.

I turn around and let my body sink against his, grinding again. I grab his hands on my hips and slowly drag them up my body until they're cupping my breast.

I let me head fall back onto his shoulder as he slowly drags them back down, the ache is definitely unbearable. And I don't care where we are.

I take one of his hands and slide it to the bottom of my dress, pulling it up until his fingers rest on my underwear line.

He traces the top of the hem line and a shiver runs through my body. His fingers slowly trace me over my underwear and I feel like I might come apart by just that.

I quickly turn around and bring my mouth to his neck, giving it a gentle kiss. Only, when I do that, he stops moving his hands and he pulls away, not meeting my eyes.

I'm left speechless when he pulls away, and even more speechless when he walks away.

I'm left staring at his retreating figure, wondering what exactly just happened, the only problem, is that I'm drunk and won't remember this tomorrow.

And so I grab another drink and another stranger.

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