.:50:. ~Angel's POV~

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"What did you want to ask before?" I took a deep breath thinking of how to ask. It was a simple question and yet, I was having trouble getting it out.

"Um... Why-" A bag was thrust in front of me and I looked up to see Des looking down at me with tears in her eyes. "Des..."

"You two look so happy." She dropped the bag and hurried off. I shot up straight away but Hunter took my wrist in his warm, soft grip.

"Give her a minute." I looked down at him and his face was serious. I nodded reluctantly but not without looking in the direction she had left in. "Let's get somewhere to sit and eat and I'll go talk to her."

"What if she's in the girl's toilets?" He shrugged and smirked which made me hit him on the shoulder. "Okay." I whispered and he picked up the bag before leading me out of there. I pointed out a table and he nodded letting me sit down. "Can you go to Des right now?"

He rolled his eyes and nodded probably because of my worried expression that was planted on my face. I put my earphones in my ears and turned my music on before leaning back. I started fidgeting when Hunter and Des were taking so long and the chair next to me was pulled out and a body settled itself in it. I turned to see Bret sitting there and I narrowed my eyes at him looking him up and down from his now un-pierced face to his shoes.

"Hey." I smiled once.

"Hey. Haven't seen you in a while." He smiled at what I said and my eyes darted behind him. "Have you seen Des at all?" He shook his head and I started tapping my foot. "She wasn't in a good mood and left suddenly."

"I've missed you." I immediately started staring at him shocked at what he just said and he kissed me. As son as I felt the giant lightning bolt as his lips touched mine I kissed him back and his hand went to either side of my face. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, it was like Bret was my oxygen. My thoughts came flooding back and I pulled away lifting a hand to my mouth in horror.

Bret was hauled off of his chair and I looked up to see Hunter. I swallowed hard and my eyes went back to Bret and the fact that I had kissed him back! Bret shot up and started growling at Hunter who was growling back before his eyes widened. "Hunter?!"

"Touch her again and I'll kill you." He looked down at me. "Are you okay?" I set my jaw tight and nodded.

"I-I-" I cut off and stood up as soon as I saw Des standing not too far away. Hunter took my wrist and lightly pulled me over to her.

"What happened?!" Des screeched and I flinched.

"I can't believe I kissed him back." I whispered not looking at either of them. I growled.

"Angel." Des interrupted me and I looked up at her, angry with myself for enjoying kissing Bret. "Are you okay?"

"No." Hunter turned me to him and stared down at me and I immediately diverted my eyes from his not looking at him. He brushed a piece of my hair out of my face and I finally gave into the urge and looked back up at his blue eyes. He had the same blue eyes that Bret had only his were different depending on his moods. Bret's were like blue lightning and Hunter's were like an ocean. I could see Bret out of the corner of my eye but he didn't matter. Hunter kissed the top of my hair and put his arm around my waist as we all walked back past Bret and Hunter picked up my dress again. As soon as we were out of earshot from Bret I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." He whispered against my hair and I gulped.

"Tux shopping now." Des said and I groaned at the thought of staying here for longer.

"If we didn't come here in my car I'd leave." I muttered and Hunter chuckled. When we got into the only shop here Des pointed me to a chair and I sighed sitting down on it and putting my earphones into my ears. Eight songs later I got bored of sitting in the same spot and turned off my music.

Surrounded By Werewolves...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ