11: Hermione

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Yay! Finally a Harry Potter characters POV.

So Hermione is asexual. Thought I would throw that out there before I got attacked.


Word count- 703

Potions on Friday-

"Ms. Granger, would you please stay a moment to talk?"

Ah, shoot. He's going to ask me why I didn't smell anything in the love potion. Of course that was a lie, but I'm kind of embarrassed about it. I slowly turned around and put a fake smile on my face.

"Sure Professor." I said through gritted teeth.

Once everyone was out of the class he turned to me and asked,
"Now please tell me, are you sure you did not smell anything in the amortentia potion?"

"I am certain sir, now if you'll excuse me I have class and I would not like to be late." With that, I walked out of the room.

That was close, I am not ready to tell anyone who I could smell.

I made it back to the common room and sat down and closed my eyes.

"You okay Mione?" Someone asked from me.

I opened my eyes to see who it was, "Oh, hey Frank! Im fine, just a little tired."

"Ok, try to get some rest, we don't want you to be too tired for the hogsmeade trip tomorrow!"

Oh no! I totally forgot about the trip.

"Thanks animal boy!" I said, and ran up to bed

(Hermione nicknamed him animal boy because he is really good at transfiguration)

Five hours later

I woke up to voices,

"I'm worried about her Reyna! She doesn't eat much and doesn't get enough sleep! It's unhealthy."

"I know Hazel, we can talk to her about it when she wakes up."

I groaned and opened my eyes so it seemed as if I had just woken up

"Hey Hermione! It's time for dinner, we were just about to wake you up."

"What! It was just potions this morning, oh no! What about my other classes!"

"Don't worry 'Mione, we just told the teachers you weren't feeling well, and we can explain what the homework is for you." Hazel explained

"Thank you guys!" I gave them both a hug.

"Now let's go eat, I'm starving." Reyna said.

Great Hall-

"So has anyone asked you to the dance yet Reyna?" I asked.

"Not yet, but I want to ask Thalia." She said confidently.

"What about you Hazel?"

"Oh! Frank and I are going together." She blushed.

"Has anyone asked you yet Hermione?" Dean asked.

"Well, you see-" I started.

I never got to finish that statement.

"Hello students, all I have to say is you have one week to get a partner for the ball, now, let's eat!"

After Dinner-

After they explained all of our homework for the classes we headed up to bed.


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